DAY 3 OF 5

Taking a stand for God in the midst of worldly practices requires faith, fortitude and absolute focus. When God calls you to live for him, you must be willing to go against popular opinion from the world’s perspectives. When you intentionally choose God’s way over the world’s way, be prepared for individuals to hate, ridicule and totally disrespect you.

Be confident in God because the enemies who seek to get rid of you when you choose God’s will, word and way are literally trying to snuff the light of Jesus Christ away from them so they can continually engage in evil dark deeds. Your stand for God’s way serves as the light that shines on and exposes evil. This upsets individuals who are not willing and ready to change for God’s program.

Despite the uncomfortable taunts and disrespect of individuals who deliberately live outside of God’s commands following their evil deeds, it is comforting to know that when God calls his children he empowers them.

Gideon experienced disrespect from the very people God called him to save. After Gideon followed God’s instructions on tearing down the altar of Baal and the Asherah and offering the second bull on the altar that he built to the LORD in an orderly way, the men of the city sought to execute him. They went to his father Joash demanding that he bring Gideon to them so that they could execute him, but Joash checked their allegiance to the idol gods that didn’t have the power to save themselves and turned the statement of execution around on them saying “Whoever pleads for Baal shall be put to death while it is still morning.” (Judges 6:31) Similarly God will turn it around for you when you purposely take action to wholeheartedly serve Him despite when individuals seek to get rid of you for interfering with their personal idols that displease God.

Gideon obeyed God’s plan and the spirit of the LORD empowered him to be the valorous leader God called him to be. What has God called you to take a stand on? Are you ready to go against what is popular, cool or comfortable so God will be glorified? Be encouraged today, obey God’s call on your life and take a stand for him. You are an empowered disciple of valor!
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About this Plan


God empowered you to fulfill the call he has for your life. In the Empowered Bible plan readers will be encouraged through the story of Gideon that no matter what difficult circumstances they find themselves in, God can still use them for a great purpose. When God calls you to fulfill a task, be encouraged that you are empowered to complete it.
