Read the Book: July - SeptemberНамуна

Week 34
Romans 8
To Be In His Family
Becoming a parent has been the most eye-opening experience to have an understanding of Christ’s love for me. I have three kids, waiting on the fourth to join our family through adoption. I adore my four precious children. I would do anything for them. I want good things for them in this life. They did nothing to work for my love or achieve any kind of status—they are simply my children, and nothing can change the love I have for them.
God’s love for us goes far deeper and wider than that, far beyond what earthly, human minds can comprehend. The Bible says that once we are in Christ, we are no longer slaves to sin, but adopted as sons and daughters into God’s family. This tells us that we didn’t have to become perfect to earn a place in God’s family. God sent Jesus to be perfect for us, and that is what instills change in us.
This does not mean that in life we won’t have to battle our sin, nor that we should stay comfortable in old, sinful habits. In fact, the Bible says that since we live in a broken world, we have to take an active role in battling our sin. The Spirit dwells within us through Jesus, and we have a perfect advocate that intercedes for us when we are weary. We can rest in knowing that God uses everything, even pain and mistakes for good. We get to be right-standing with God because we are united with Christ through Jesus. There is no condemnation for us because God gave His son to pay the penalty for sin through His death on the cross. We can rejoice with certainty that we will never be condemned because our sin has already been paid in full.
What a celebratory chapter to read! We get to rest, knowing that we have a spiritual and eternal assurance that we are God’s children that are recipients of His promises. The storms we face in this life will be insignificant to the eternal rewards we will experience in our forever home with God.
Family Connection: There are a lot of laws in the world. Did you know that it is illegal to drive blindfolded? Why do you think that law is there? To keep people safe. It wasn’t made because someone was being mean or not wanting us to have fun. God has told us what to do and how to live as Christians because He wants the best thing for us. We were made to glorify Him and when we follow His law we are showing that we trust Him. Can you name any of the Ten Commandments?
About this Plan

The Bridge Church is embarking on a Bible reading plan through the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs through the year! Each week will begin with a devotional on a reading passage from the week, and a Family Connection point is available for you to engage your entire family with scripture. Join us as we walk through 2021 in God's Word together!