2 Peter: Power Under PressureНамуна

2 Peter: Power Under Pressure

DAY 2 OF 6

To get a word from God, you need to open the Word of God. In every generation, certain trends in political theory, philosophy, spirituality, and every other area of academic discipline become fashionable. They come and go, but 1 Peter 1:24-25 already told us, “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.”  

We are a few thousand years removed from Peter, but his words have proven true. Today, the Bible is the best-selling, most-read, most translated, and most-beloved book in the history of the world. Why? Because it is the revelation from God the Holy Spirit delivered through human authors who unleashes God’s power for life change. Peter uses his own testimony to help reinforce this fact, as what was written about Jesus in the Scriptures was also witnessed by Peter himself.  

He speaks of qualities that a believer should have, including self-control. Self-control is the ability to say no when you are supposed to. Self-control includes not letting your anger carry you away, not letting your friends talk you into trouble, and doing the right thing even when it is hard. To be good at something requires self-control. For example,  athletes and musicians have to practice a lot and have self-control if they want to be any good. Like them, Christians need to work hard at practicing their faith and having self-control. And, Jesus is our perfect model of self-control because he never gave in to sin even when he was a kid.  

Ultimately these behaviors culminate in love. The kind of love Peter is speaking of is sacrificial love. Love is sometimes what we feel, but it is always shown by what we do. Jesus loved everybody, including us. Jesus asks us to love everybody, even the people who are tough to love.  

The church in Peter’s day had enemies within and without who constantly sought to attack and divide believers, but in his writing, he keeps his eyes on eternity with Jesus instead of the problems in front of him on earth. He knows Jesus is in heaven waiting for him to come home to his eternal reward and rest.


In what areas of your life do you feel you have self-control? What are some areas of your life that you need to grow in self-control?  

How does Jesus show his love to us?  

List out the virtues that God the Holy Spirit wants to grow in you by His “divine power”. Which one have you made the most progress in? Which one(s) still need the most progress?  

Who do you need to stir up a passion for in continuing to mature as a Christian? How can you encourage and motivate them in love?  

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About this Plan

2 Peter: Power Under Pressure

God’s people who are living under incredible pressure need “His divine power” because in it we find the source for “life and godliness”. This 6-day study in the letter called 2 Peter to a church experiencing persecution is for any Christian who needs to experience God’s power under the pressure of life.
