P. R. A. Y. Pause. Reflect. Ask. Yield.Намуна

P. R. A. Y. Pause. Reflect. Ask. Yield.

DAY 5 OF 5

Many countries and cultures throughout the world value interdependence. They live intergenerationally, revere elders, and emphasize community. 

In contrast, independence and “pulling yourself up” are Western values. So right now, after months of forced isolation and social distancing, connection and community may not come naturally to us. We may be out of practice. 

Connection and community can get messy, and they require active work to flourish. In order for us to connect to God and to one another, we often have to surrender our own desires and plans, yielding to God and others. We have to put the good of the group over the good of the one. 

Read Acts 2:42-47. After Jesus ascended into heaven and the Holy Spirit came to guide His followers, the first Christians “were together and had everything in common” and gave “to anyone who had need.” After coming home or finishing camp or other service experiences, you may miss the “everything in common” you had with other volunteers, other workers, those you served, and those you cared for. What would it look like for you to find that again? Where can you be in community with other Jesus-followers? Where can you help give to or care for “anyone who (has) need”?

You can read more thoughts about living a life of deep faith in these reading plans from Young Life Discipleship:


"Becoming More Like Jesus" 

"Illuminate: Living in the Light" 


Рӯз 4

About this Plan

P. R. A. Y. Pause. Reflect. Ask. Yield.

In a fast-paced and frenzied world, it's important to take time each day to Pause, Reflect, Ask, and Yield (P.R.A.Y.); to slow down and breathe in the blessings of the Spirit; to set our hearts and eyes on Jesus and to join with the Lord in pouring compassion on his beloved children.
