
Overcoming Weakness with Strength
Stand Strong.
There are more than thirty occasions in the Bible where God commands someone to be strong. However, it is not a call to fight; rather, it is a call to have the spiritual strength to “stand.” We are not commanded to fight because Jesus has already won the battle against Satan. We are called to “stand” in the victory that Jesus has already won. This is the message of being an Overcomer. We are to go on offense, not be on defense, and that is a huge paradigm shift.
For this short devotional, I am looking at “Overcoming Weakness with Strength.” Here are four ways to access God’s strength, which He makes available to us.
1) God’s Power is accessed through His Word.
In the front of my journal, I have written a few life verses that I go to often. I trust that you have selected one or more as well; we access power through reading and obeying the Bible. Focus on those life verses, and they will be deep reservoirs to give you strength.
2) God’s Power is accessed through worship.
There are different ways to worship. One of the most profound worship songs in the entire Bible is Habakkuk 3:17-19. I sense God asking me, “Will you trust in my wisdom and goodness no matter what happens?”
In the words of Daniel Henderson, who has written extensively on prayer, “We must first seek the Face of God, before we can seek His Hand.”
3) God’s Power is accessed through waiting.
I am not very good at waiting; in fact, I can be very impatient. The frantic pace of our lives affects peace, and when there is no peace, there is no strength.
Author Ken Blanchard writes:
“Solitude and silence give us some space to reform our innermost attitudes toward people and events. They take the world off our shoulders for a time and interrupt our habit of constantly managing things, of being in control, or thinking we are in control.”
4) God’s Power is accessed through our weakness.
Charles Spurgeon writes:
“God does not need your strength. He has more than enough power of His own. He asks for your weakness. He has none of that Himself, and He is longing, therefore, to take your weakness and use it as an instrument in His mighty hand. Will you not yield your weakness to Him, and receive His strength?”
It is when we are all out of answers and strength and at a dead-end that we can be the most effective, and God gives us strength to overcome.
About this Plan

People of all ages and backgrounds know what it means to experience fear in in the face of hardship and uncertainty. But no Christian needs to fall victim to these feelings of fear and defeat. Find out how God’s word reveals that you can be an overcomer. This practical 4-day plan from Dr. Bruce Gordon will help you see how you can overcome lies, fear, and weakness with God’s truth.