Growing Faithfully: Creating a Family Stewardship Garden in Your Backyard Намуна

By now, we understand that God owns and is in control of everything, and our role is to take care of what He has given us. But what is next?
Beyond taking care of what God has given us, he wants us to be generous with those gifts. Generosity isn’t always about money. You can be generous with your time, your kindness, and your talents as well. You don’t have to have a lot in order to be generous.
“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35
Have you ever chosen a gift for someone you love, wrapped the present with care, and felt like you couldn’t wait to give it to them? Then, when they finally open the present, it is so exciting to see their reaction. Don’t you love knowing how much the gift means to them? This is similar to what Jesus describes in this verse. We are blessed when we give to others.
When we have excess in our garden, there are a few options. We can toss out what we don’t need (we do not recommend this!) Or, you can take your excess and give it to friends and neighbors, or donate it to an organization (like a church pantry or soup kitchen) that will use it to bless others.
Just as you started with a plan before you created your garden, you can also plan for generosity. If you end up with more than you expected, that means you can be more generous, too!
You may find it difficult to part with the fresh vegetables and fruits that you were so deliberate to care for, but remember - it ALL belongs to God! And this is where you really get to put that idea into practice.
This is what the Bible tells us about generosity:
Mark 12:41-44
- We do not have to have a lot to be givers.
- There is no “magic” amount He requires.
- We should give the amount God puts on our hearts to give.
2 Corinthians 8
- We can be generous even when times are tough.
- We should give joyfully.
- We should give without being asked.
2 Corinthians 9
- Have a plan so you can be ready to give.
- When we give a little, we receive a little. When we give a lot, we receive a lot.
- Give from your heart, not out of obligation.
- Our generosity draws others closer to the Lord.
Have you ever heard the phrase “practice makes perfect”? Well, we are unable to become perfect, but the more you give, the more you will grow in the joy of seeing God’s gifts spread to more and more people.
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” - Luke 16:10
The Bible tells us if we are faithful with little, we will be trusted with much. So being faithful with your garden is good practice, and may even lead to bigger things!
With Your Children:
- Do you ever find it difficult to be generous? When? Why?
- Think of a time someone has been generous with you. How did that make you feel?
- What are some things you can start doing as a family to be more generous?
Pray: Lord, help me to see everything I have as yours, so that I may be more willing to give freely and bless others with the blessings you have given me. Please open my eyes to those who need help so that I may show them your love by being generous toward them. May I find joy in giving to others and give all the glory to You!
About this Plan

When creating a garden, we trust God’s provision to help grow fresh fruit and vegetables for our families to enjoy. But we aren’t looking to create just a garden. We are working on a Stewardship Garden. Our hope for this study is to give you the opportunity to introduce God’s principles of stewardship to your children in a fun and tangible way.