Fervent: Fight Fear With Faith Намуна

Many times when we engage with the enemy, we may come across a roadblock. After all, the devil doesn’t want us gaining ground and routing him, does he? So he’ll strategically place some incident in our lives, which will distract us from praying and interceding. When such situations occur— perhaps an old addiction resurfaces, or a new temptation presents itself, or a person or situation becomes completely unmanageable—we either give in and sin or we become so caught up in dealing with the situation that we forget what we ought to be doing. Both reactions work because they stop us from praying. But perhaps there is a third option – obedience. Obedience in the sense of going immediately to God, surrendering the situation to Him, seeking His guidance on what needs to be done next, and then implicitly following through. Obedience undergirds the entire armor of God that we have on; it ensures that there are no chinks in the armor. Disobedience leaves us vulnerable to more attacks. Our childlike obedience to God’s will is like a sucker punch to the devil. May we never underestimate the power of those simple words – Lord, not my will but Yours be done. All heaven will break loose!
Pray that:
• We will obey God, no matter what.
• We will begin to see the power that is unleashed when we obey God.
• We will live in submission to God’s authority in every area of our lives.
About this Plan

Living through a pandemic that ravages the entire world can be disorienting and frightening given the uncertainties that abound. Yet, God has placed us here for such a time as this to pray fervently and engage in spiritual warfare. Join us on this 90-day devotional on praying fervently during the pandemic.