Good Morning Easter DevotionalНамуна

Good Morning Easter Devotional

DAY 6 OF 7

Hope in the Waiting 

"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who brings good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” – Isaiah 52:7 

Good morning! 

Perhaps you’ve heard of the saying ‘it’s always darkest before the dawn.’ Today would have felt like a ‘dark day’ for the disciples of Jesus, who had only the day before witnessed the crucifixion of their Messiah, their promised king. They had watched Jesus die and their hope for salvation, for change and restoration, had died with Him. It seemed as though all hope was lost. 

We know that Sunday would bring the ‘dawn’ and the resurrection of Jesus—the saving grace for the whole of humanity—but the disciples had no such insight on Saturday.  

Sometimes in our lives, we too face situations that leave us feeling hopeless. We cannot see God at work; it seems like our prayers have been in vain, and in these times of waiting we too can lose faith. In those dark times, as we look to the cross, we are reminded that we can still have hope because God is faithful.  

Clinging to hope in the darkest of times is something Julio knows all too well. Already living in a house that was barely standing, for Julio, his wife and their two sons, the torrential rain that hit their village in Columbia was the final straw. Their house was damaged so severely they were afraid it would collapse on them. Out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the family found themselves in a desperate situation with no way to pay for repairs.  

“It was horrible when it rained at night," says Julio. "I spent entire nights mopping to get the water out. The foundations of the house were rotten. Everyone who went into the house told me, 'Julio, the house will fall on you, 'but I said, 'No, I have a God who takes care of us.' I used to tell my wife that we had to be patient. God would not abandon us." 

Their prayers were finally answered through a local Compassion church partner, who was able to provide the family with the resources to build a new house. They now have a sturdy roof over their heads and a safe place to call home. 

When the deck seems stacked against us, we can be tempted to give up. But hope urges us to go on. The cross reminds us of God’s goodness and faithfulness. We can keep bringing the good news, proclaim peace and salvation, and declare that God reigns in every season of life because God is faithful. So even in the midst of the darkest night, we can have hope that dawn is on the way.  

Pause. Take a breath. Look up. There is hope even in the waiting. It’s a good day to keep going! 

Reflection Question: 

What are some situations you have been waiting on God for? How might you renew your hope in Him today? 


Lord, thank You we can have hope in every situation because You are always faithful. I bring You all the situations in my life that are challenging and the prayers that are yet to be answered. I ask that You renew my hope. Please help me to keep bringing good news, to carry your peace and declare that You reign in every season of my life. Amen. 


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About this Plan

Good Morning Easter Devotional

In this devotional series, we invite you to go deeper into the Good News. Each day we celebrate Jesus’ redemptive work on the Cross that restored our hope, and made a way for us to be known, loved and connected to Him. Join us as we explore God’s restoration this Easter. It’s a good day to restore hope!
