Comeback: An Easter Devotional for TeensНамуна

Comeback: An Easter Devotional for Teens

DAY 4 OF 5

Our Living Hope

By Kiana Hershey

Why is the resurrection so important if Jesus' work on the cross granted us forgiveness of sins? What is the purpose of His resurrection from death to life?

It is essential that we first recognize and believe that Jesus remained blameless and an utterly sinless man during the entirety of His time on earth, including His time on the cross. He carried the weight of sin and death and took those on, but He did not become a sinner in the process. There is a distinction! He always remained the perfect and spotless Lamb. 

Therefore, the resurrection of our precious Savior had to happen because He is life. The resurrection is proof that Jesus conquered death and sin. His resurrection is a symbol of victory! Oh, the joy found in victory, and Christ has already won. He defeated death and conquered the grave. Therefore, the things of this world and sin have no hold on us because of the grace and victory of Christ! 

Luke 24 highlights the angels proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus to the women approaching the tomb. They asked a thought-provoking question and one that I believe we need to reflect and meditate on! “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” Let’s pause and unpack this! 

Why would the women be looking for a living Jesus in a grave? Christ had previously shared with them that He would be raised from the dead on the third day! Living things do not dwell in places made for the dead! The grave is not a suitable place for life. Yet,  just like these women, humanity seeks to find life in places or things where life does not exist. 

Let’s zoom out from this specific circumstance and take a look at us today. We seek to experience life through religion rather than relationship. We seek life through attaining perfection. We seek life through the glorification of self. We seek life through the approval of others. We seek life through sinful pleasures and earthly desires . . . and the list goes on and on! If we seek life in anything other than Christ, then we are bound to obtain the opposite of what we set out to find. Instead of life and freedom, we'll find spiritual death and bondage.

Christ offers us life and life to the fullest according to John 10:10. He is triumphant over death and things that lead to death! Therefore, do not be discouraged! Whatever situation, mindset, trial, temptation, or struggle you are facing, the Lord can use it to bring life to your soul. Your battle is already won, now it is your turn to receive the life He so freely offers us.

Whether you have been a Christian ever since you can remember or you recently accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, it's easy to get sidetracked or forget that it is our job to receive, experience, and enjoy life through Christ and Christ alone, not just for salvation from death and hell, but for the here and now, the life we live on earth! He is our living hope. He is life! He is the way, the truth, and the life!

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.”—1 Peter 1:3-4 

PAUSE: In who or what are you trying to find life in instead of Christ?

PRACTICE: Taking a few minutes each morning to be still and receive the love of Christ. Allow Him to fill you with His spirit, and breathe life into your soul through laying down that which we seek life in other than Him! 

PRAY: Jesus, You are life. Teach me what it means to find life and fulfillment in You! Make Yourself real to me through Your Word and fill me afresh with Your abundant love. Thank You for being my living hope. Amen.

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About this Plan

Comeback: An Easter Devotional for Teens

In this five-day Easter devotional for teens, we'll explore some key moments and events from Jesus' final days leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection. We hope this devotional will help you discover the depths of God's love for you and understand the redemption He freely gives you!
