Biblical Leadership: Why Your Prayer Is Not AnsweredНамуна

Biblical Leadership: Why Your Prayer Is Not Answered

DAY 3 OF 5

Why God Might Not Answer Your Prayer

Last time, we saw that God might not answer your prayers because:

  1. You don’t ask, or 
  2. You asked, but with the wrong motives

In this reading, we uncover two more reasons why God might not answer your prayer.

3. You don’t believe.

What would be the point of praying if you didn’t believe that your prayer would be answered? Belief in the ability (and desire) of God to answer your prayer is key, isn’t it?

Check what the Bible says about believing and receiving – first, the words of Jesus, then his brother James:

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”  – Matthew 21:22
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.  – James 1:6-7

Prayer is an act of faith. As you seek to glorify God and help build His kingdom, God can and will answer your prayers. Even if others think it is impossible or extremely unlikely, God can make it happen, provided you are asking in alignment with God’s plan and believe.

Not believing that God will answer your prayer is like enemy sabotage. In that case, you should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 

4. You are disobedient to God’s instruction.

In the Old Testament portion of the Bible, we repeatedly see the Israelites being disobedient to God and His law. And, time and again, we see God withholding His blessing or delaying his promises because of their behavior. Think of how the Israelites had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years because of their rebellion!

That cause-and-effect relationship between obedience and answered prayer is still in effect today, just as the Bible says:

If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.   – Proverbs 28:9

This verse really means what it says. To dispel any doubt on that, let’s take a closer look at some verses from the prophet Jeremiah. Check this passage to see God’s opinion on disobedience:

Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. They have returned to the sins of their ancestors, who refused to listen to my words. … Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them.”  – Jeremiah 11:9-11

The Israelites have fallen away from God’s will again, and God intends to punish them, and even if they now cry out to Him, He won’t listen. Then, God makes His position even stronger, telling His own prophet Jeremiah not to pray on their behalf either:

“Do not pray for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress.”  – Jeremiah 11:14

You may never have read these verses before and they seem so harsh and even cruel. But it is truth from the Bible. The same message is given in Jeremiah 7:16 and 14:11, Isaiah 59:2, Micah 3:4, Psalm 66:18-19, and Zechariah 7:13, to name a few.

The conclusion? Disobedience to God may completely shut down God’s desire to answer your prayers. This is exactly why confession and repentance must be an integral part of your prayer time.

Reflection and application

  1. Jesus says to believe and receive. James says don’t expect to receive if you lack faith. How firmly do you believe your prayers will be answered when you ask? Do you have any recent examples?
  2. The Israelites wandered for 40 years because of their disobedience. God told Jeremiah to not even pray for his people for the same reason. Do you see disobedience in your life? Where?
  3. Disobedience is a very broad term. How does Jesus’ two-sentence summary of God’s law help? Where do you need to become more obedient? (See Matthew 22:37-40.)
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Biblical Leadership: Why Your Prayer Is Not Answered

As you pray to God for guidance in your leadership, it sometimes seems that God is not listening. Even when you are eager to hear a response, God remains silent. In these readings, we uncover six reasons why God might not be answering your prayers. Each of the reasons comes straight from the Bible and gives you an actionable checklist to ensure your prayer life is on track.
