A Journey Through Luke & ActsНамуна

In this next section of Luke, Jesus tells a story that illustrates how his Kingdom turns the circumstances of this world upside-down, and it goes like this.
There’s a rich guy who wears fancy clothes and owns a gated house. And there’s an impoverished hurting man, named Lazarus, who sits outside of the rich man’s gate every day seeking the crumbs from his dinner table. But the rich man doesn’t give him anything, and eventually they both die. Lazarus is taken to a place of eternal comfort, while the rich guy wakes up in a place of torment. Somehow the rich man can see Lazarus, and as soon as he does, he requests that Lazarus be sent to serve him drops of water to cool him down. But the rich man is told this can’t happen, and he is reminded of his life on earth, how he lived in luxury while Lazarus needed his help. So the rich guy begs instead for Lazarus to be sent to his family on earth, so they can be warned about this place of agony. But he’s told that his family has all the warnings they need in the writings of the Hebrew prophets. The rich guy argues, insisting that if Lazarus rose from the dead, surely that would convince his family. But he’s told it won’t work. Those who refuse to listen to Moses and the prophets will not be persuaded even if someone is raised from the dead.
After telling this story, Jesus warns everyone of the sufferings that are coming to those who cause others to suffer. To avoid these sufferings, he teaches everyone to look out for each other and to correct those who are missing the mark. Those who listen to correction are to be forgiven, even if that forgiveness is needed over and over again. Jesus is merciful. He wants everyone to listen before it’s too late. Jesus came to reverse sufferings but how? He teaches the truth and sacrificially offers his forgiveness to all who receive it. Likewise, his followers are to teach others and offer forgiveness.
Jesus’ disciples hear all this and recognize that they lack the trust in God they need in order to carry out Jesus’ words, so they ask for more faith.
About this Plan

A Journey Through Luke & Acts inspires individuals, small groups, and families to read through the books of Luke and Acts in 40 days. This plan incorporates animated videos and insightful summaries to help participants encounter Jesus and engage with Luke’s brilliant literary design and flow of thought.