Family Holy Week DevotionalНамуна

It’s Easter Sunday! Today is the day we get to celebrate and rejoice and know that because Jesus lives, we live too! Here’s how it happened…
Early on Sunday morning, when the Sabbath ended, the women who had been with Jesus gathered some special spices to take care of his body and walked to the tomb. When they got there, they were very confused. Remember how a large stone had been rolled in front of the entrance of the tomb? It was rolled away! Then, when they entered the tomb, it was completely empty! As they were wondering, “Where is Jesus’ body?” something even more amazing happened! Two angels, in shining clothes as bright as lightning, appeared beside them! The women were startled and scared and fell to their knees. (Wouldn’t you, too?)
Then the angels spoke to the women. They asked them, “Why are you looking for Jesus in this tomb for dead people?” They added joyfully, “Jesus is not here! He is risen! He is alive!” The angels reminded the women that Jesus had told them this would happen. Jesus said he would rise on the third day, and he did! Just as he said!
The women were so happy and thankful and excited that they ran to tell the disciples as quickly as they could. The nightmare was over! Their sadness had ended! Jesus was alive! Now, what would you think if someone told you that a person who was dead was now alive? You might have a hard time believing it, and the disciples did too. They thought the women were just speaking nonsense!
But some of the disciples ran to the tomb to find out for themselves what had happened. When they got there, they saw the empty tomb and the strips of linen inside of it that had been wrapped around Jesus’ body. They knew then that it was true. Jesus was alive!
Do you understand what that means for you and me? Do you know why the news of Jesus’ resurrection was so wildly exciting and important? It means that God has rescued us. He sent His Son to die for our sins, the mistakes that we make every day. Even after our bodies are no longer on this earth, if we trust in Jesus and ask him to live in our hearts, then we will live forever in eternity with God and Jesus. That eternal relationship gets to start today! From the moment that you believe in Jesus you are starting this relationship that will never end!
Jesus conquered our sin through his death! He won! Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed!
1 - What would you have done if you were one of the disciples listening to the story of the women who saw the empty tomb first? Would you have believed them?
2 - Why is the news of Jesus’ resurrection so important for us?
Dear God, thank you for sending your Son to die for our sins and then raising him from the dead! You conquered death so that we can live forever in eternity with you. We want Jesus to live in our hearts for all of the days of our lives so that we can celebrate a new life with you! Thank you for loving us so much! We love you. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
About this Plan

Let’s choose this year to lean in as a family and focus on the life of Jesus! Start this plan on Palm Sunday and you can read about what Jesus was doing during each day of Holy Week. You’ll find a daily, short devotional geared for kids, conversation starters, and prayer to help your family engage with Scriptures. We’ll end with the celebration of His resurrection on Easter Sunday!