Real Hope: Justice Towards Our Neighbours Намуна

Most organisations have a mission statement: the formal summary of the aims and values of an organisation in one sentence or a few bullet points.
Jesus is in the synagogue and He is asked to read from Isaiah (61:1–2). His message is straight to the point. His mission is clear: preaching and healing to meet human needs. Salvation is to be proclaimed. Everyone is watching Him. He says, this is what I am doing.
Through His ministry and leading up to His death on the cross, Jesus didn’t deviate from this mission; and that annoyed the Jewish leaders so much, they had Him killed on a cross.
Isaiah (1:17) also wrote that we are to learn to do right: ‘Seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow’ (NIV).
This is what it means to love and follow Jesus. Proclaim that Jesus brings salvation – this is what we celebrate at Easter. There is the Gospel in action, helping others in need. They go hand-in-hand and are incomplete without each other.
This is our mission, too.
written by DAVID BARKER
About this Plan

The justice displayed in the life of Jesus is one motivated by love. A justice that is restorative and redemptive. A justice that is displayed with a hand outstretched, eyes that see and a heart opened. A justice centred in the cross. A justice so full of love, compassion, mercy and service it is extravagant!