Biblical Leadership: 5 Steps to Know God’s WillНамуна

Biblical Leadership: 5 Steps to Know God’s Will

DAY 6 OF 6

Step 5. Wait, Listen & Watch

Four steps so far… Read the Bible. Pray. Seek wise counsel. Check your motivations. That last step was maybe more challenging than the others, but so far so good. Finding God’s will might not be as difficult as you first thought.

Until now, when you’re told to just wait, listen and watch.

For most leaders, waiting without knowing exactly what you’re waiting for, or how long you need to wait for is difficult. Which is exactly why the word, “wait” is followed by “listen and watch”… 

Finding God’s will is not always so straightforward or as quick a process as you might want. Let’s check some examples from the Bible.

First, remember how God came to speak to Elijah? Not by a mighty sign, but by gentle whisper. Just as Elijah might have missed God had he not been quietly waiting, the same is still true today.

Rushing between meetings, deadlines and customers with little quiet time for God, makes it difficult to find His will for your leadership life. On the other hand, if you set aside a quiet time for prayer or meeting with others – taking time to listen and watch – your chances of finding God’s improve dramatically.

Slowing down is the easier part. The harder part is waiting. 

Just because you’re not seeing any activity or hearing from God does not mean that you’re not in line with His plan. The Bible gives some examples of what God’s timing can look like. 

  • Sarah and Abraham had to wait about 25 years for a son (Genesis 12:2-4, 21:5).
  • Joseph had to wait over 20 years to fulfill the prophecy of his dreams (Genesis 37:2; 41:1; 41:46, 53-54).
  • David also had to wait about 20 years from the time of his anointing before becoming king over all Israel (1 Samuel 16:13; 2 Samuel 5:4-5).

But how long do you have to wait? Remember, with God it’s the “long game” – building HIS Kingdom for eternity, not building your leadership success for this month, quarter or even year. As you wait, your faith may be tested. It may be difficult. You may have doubts. But check this sage advice from the Bible – taken here from the Message translation:

Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him. Don’t bother with those who climb the ladder, who elbow their way to the top.  – Psalm 37:7 (MSG)

Lastly, and you might not want to hear this, but the Bible says to be joyful – yes, joyful – when you wait, so that you may be mature and complete. That’s tough, right?

So let’s close with one last verse about God’s will for you – taking you back to prayer and thankfulness, no matter what:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Know that as you wait to find God’s will for your life, His purposes for your leadership will be fulfilled. No matter what the world may say or think.

May you be blessed as you find and follow God’s will for your leadership and your life.

Reflection / Application

  1. When was the last time you had to wait for God? How did that go?
  2. Why do you think God sometimes wants you to set your own plans aside and wait for Him?
  3. Post the 5 steps of finding God’s will on a note that you will see every day. Then reflect on one step each day. What do you think will happen?
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About this Plan

Biblical Leadership: 5 Steps to Know God’s Will

Even though we routinely make decisions and set directions as leaders, knowing God’s will can still be difficult for us. Sometimes, all seems clear until we find that we’re headed the wrong way. At other times, we proceed more cautiously and miss the opportunity God had for us. In this study, we present a 5-step process to help clarify God’s will, even when it seems He is silent.
