The Merciful MasterНамуна

Just Restitution
Justice demands restitution for the damages caused by the offender. We see this at play whether it is the Jewish community claiming restitution for property stolen by the Nazis, or the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy seeking compensation for the criminal negligence by Union Carbide India Ltd. in India, or the aboriginal Maoris of New Zealand demanding recompense for their dispossessed tribal lands. It is natural for men created in the image of God to cry out for justice and demand amends be made for grievances. Biblical forgiveness contrary to popular opinion is not a simple “forgive and forget.” It goes beyond that and provides just restitution for the offense. True reconciliation is only possible if there is real restitution satisfying the offended party.
Paul knew that Onesimus gravely grieved Philemon. Philemon was denied of Onesimus’ labors. Onesimus also probably stole from his master while running away. A debt had been incurred by Onesimus’ sinful act. Paul recognizes this and offers to settle the accounts of Onesimus on his behalf. As a runaway slave, Onesimus would not be in the position to pay the due recompense for his crimes. Hence another person has to step in and pay his debts on his behalf.
This is exactly what Jesus does for us. The debts racked up by our sins against a holy God demand an infinite price beyond the means of any man to settle. Thus, another man – God in human flesh steps into the place of them who believe and to pay off their debts of sin. As the hymnodist, Cecil Frances Alexander reminds us, “There was no other good enough to pay the price for sin. He only could unlock the gate of heaven and let us in.” Jesus alone reconciles sinners with God. God forgives our trespasses by cancelling the record of debt that stands against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross (Colossians 2:13-14). Archbishop Desmond Tutu who led the South African society to reconcile after the evils of apartheid said, “Forgiveness is not cheap, is not facile. It is costly. Reconciliation is not an easy option. It cost God the death of his Son.” May we never take forgiveness for granted.
About this Plan

The Merciful Master is a two-week journey of grace through the epistle to Philemon. It is a verse-by-verse study of the letter that explores the generous mercy of God in Christ Jesus and what it means to live a life of love manifesting itself in acts of holy mercy.