Effective PrayerНамуна

Effective Prayer

DAY 7 OF 9

Believers’ Prayer – Anointing to Overcome

What caused the Believers to pray?

Peter and John were tortured and imprisoned by the local officials because they healed a lame man in Jesus’ Name and declared the power of Jesus’ Name. The officials intended these acts to be an example to the rest of the Believers so they would put a stop to the preaching of Jesus. In such a setting, Peter and John prayed to be enabled: to declare the gospel boldly and to never be afraid to talk about Jesus. They also prayed to be able to perform signs and wonders in the name of Jesus.

How did they pray?

They began their prayer with praise: (Acts 4:24) They believed that God would work all things for their good.
They respected God: (Acts 4:24-25) They referred to God as ‘sovereign’, meaning God being in complete control.
They prayed for God’s will to be done in their lives: (Acts 4:28-30) They prayed from Scriptures which showed them the will of God.

Did God answer their prayers? (Acts 4:31)

The answer to their prayers was manifested through a physical sign, of an earthquake, and spiritual signs where all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.
They boldly spoke of the Gospel and witnessed with great power. Despite the threats, many came to be added to the church.

How can we pray like John and Peter?
The principles of prayer that we can learn from the Believers’ prayer are:
Pray with the knowledge that God is sovereign. God is always in control in spite of our situations.
Pray with the faith that God is able to answer us. Therefore, offer praise unceasingly.
Pray, using scriptures as a means, to affirm what we believe - that God will do for us, what He did for others in the Bible.
Pray for boldness to preach the Gospel, to be able to perform wonders and miracles in His name, to help people in need, and to glorify God. (Romans 15:18-21)

‘We have to learn to preach the Gospel of Christ with our lives before we preach it with our mouths’. - Anonymous
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About this Plan

Effective Prayer

Haven't we all started a relationship with a word, maybe ignited by a thought or an action? Haven't we also wanted to be heard in a group or in one on one interactions? In this plan, you will be shown how different people in the Bible shared personal relationships with God and therefore approached Him for different reasons. In addition to hearing their prayers, God answered them and blessed their lives, and a new relationship begins with God and so does a new journey with God!
