

DAY 1 OF 4


The nation of Israel was corrupted, the people had forgotten of their God and lost themselves in the ways of idolatry and sin. In search of a reunion with God, the prophet Samuel told the people to turn to the Lord. 

The Israelites were used to splitting their worship between idols and the Lord, but Samuel was straightforward when declaring "with all his heart". God is not a God of sections, much less of remains. There is no way to praise God and have statues of other gods. Or to say that you are a follower of Christ, but to continue with the marks and actions of a sinner. When we are born again, God gives us a new beginning, a new life, an opportunity for total surrender. Our sins were forgiven and on the cross we received our new chance. Samuel was giving the people a new chance, showing the Way, but it was the Israelites who had to decide for themselves. 

The people cried out, repented and Samuel offered sacrifices on their behalf. Often in our walk with God, we will have moments of surrender, decisions and sacrifices. After all, if we really want to turn to God with our whole being, we will need to give up the gods that occupy space in our lives and consecrate ourselves to the Lord. Living with God means to repent, surrender, to be consecrated and to always decide for Him. As long as we are splitting our hearts in two, God will never fully reveal himself to us. 

What are the idols in your life that you need to surrender to God?
Do you believe that you are 100% committed to the ways of the Lord?
What have you been consecrating and sacrificing every day to live with God? 

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About this Plan


"Thus far the Lord has helped us." In this Devotional, we will understand what Consecration is, learn to live the Supernatural of God, declare Ebenezer and to not give up on our Promises.
