What Is Truth?Намуна

What Is Truth?

DAY 2 OF 7

Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Truth is not relative, it’s relational because truth is not a “what,” but a “who.” Truth has a name and a face, and that name is Jesus. The more we know Him, the more easily we can recognize the truth in this crazy, conflicted culture. 

Something really incredible and comforting about Jesus is that He is unchanging. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

Meaning, Jesus was the same at the beginning of time, He was the same when He walked on the earth 2,000 years ago, and He is the same today as He sits on His throne. And because Jesus doesn’t change, truth doesn’t change either. Truth is absolute and we can depend on it every day of our lives! This is why His unchanging nature is so deeply comforting.

For example, at the end of Jesus’ most famous sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, He tells this story about two guys who built houses. One decided to build his house on soft, shifting sands. Storms and water easily eroded the base of his house and it soon fell. The other guy built on solid stone. His home didn’t move or shift when the storms hit and, thus, endured over time. 

Jesus’ story illustrates how important our basis of truth, our foundation, really is. If we choose to rest our lives on something that doesn’t last, like the opinions of others or the trends of culture, we will always have to pick up the pieces of broken relationships and challenging circumstances. But when we choose to build our lives on the solid, unshifting foundation of truth, cultural trends and opinions can ebb and flow, crazy things can happen in the world and even in our own lives, but we endure. We stay standing. We can even be a beacon of stability for others. 

Because truth is not relative. It’s relational and unchanging. Jesus invites us into a relationship with Him and He stays steady. Knowing the Truth brings a steadiness into our lives too.

Challenge: Have you often felt tossed around by the storms of life? Check your foundation. Are you building on something soft and shifting, like cultural trends? What’s one area where you could benefit from some more stability? Identify it and invite Jesus (the Truth) into that place.

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About this Plan

What Is Truth?

Is it my truth or the truth? What happens when those two conflict? How can we know if something is actually true or not? Join us the next seven days as we consider the idea that truth is not an abstract concept—it’s a real person. A person with a name and a face. A person who is relational, unchanging, life-giving, and infinitely loving. A person named Jesus.
