Bible 2021Намуна

Bible 2021

DAY 289 OF 365

16th October 2021 The Mission to the World Day 17 of 20 Do you smell of Jesus? Paul captures a familiar scene in the Roman Empire –a victorious general leads his army and displays the spoils of his victory, with incense offered to the gods. Here, it is we – as people saved by Christ from our sin and a life without God – who are on display. There is something here of the suffering of Christ in which we share. But everywhere we go, says Paul, we spread “the aroma of the knowledge” of Christ. Wherever we go today, may people smell Jesus in what we do and say. Join the global movement reading the Bible aloud
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About this Plan

Bible 2021

Be part of a global movement changing the world around you by reading the Bible aloud for just one minute every day. The Bible is powerful – it is God’s own word written for us, and it changes lives forever. Started in 2020 and continuting into 2021, we are bringing people together to read the same passage of the Bible every day across the world. Join us on this journey through 2021 – download the app, read God’s word alongside a global community and share it with the rest of the world.
