Read the Book: January - MarchНамуна

Week 7
Acts 11
All the Nations
Here in Acts 11, we see the fulfillment of one of the beautiful mysteries of the Gospel, the fulfillment of a promise made centuries before to Abraham—the promise that through one of Abraham’s descendants “all the nations of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 22:18). You see up until this point God was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He was the God of the nation of Israel. Worship at the temple was reserved for the Jewish people alone. Gentiles, anyone who was not a Jew, were required to remain in the outer court.
But God’s plans were bigger. His salvation provided through the death of His Son was for all nations. It was this mystery He revealed to Peter in the vision and to Paul on the road to Damascus. Dwell on the magnitude of verse 18 as it recounts Peter explaining these things to his fellow Jewish believers: “When they heard these things they fell silent. And they glorified God, saying, ‘Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life.’”
The Gospel transcends all nations, races, languages, classes, and genders. It is for all people with no limits. Let us not fall into the trap of believing certain groups or people are too far outside God’s grace. Our desire for violent terrorists on the other side of the world is not their destruction but their repentance and salvation. Our desire for the offensive celebrity constantly spewing vulgarity is not their demise but that they might meet their Savior and experience the same grace and mercy God has so lavishly and undeservedly poured out on us.
How can living in an understanding of the limitlessness of God’s grace and mercy change the way we view and pray for one another?
Family Connection: What are some changes you have faced? How have they made you feel? Many times we don’t like change - it can make us fearful! But the Bible tells us that we don’t have to be afraid of change! God can ALWAYS be trusted. In Acts 11 we can see how God used Peter to call out a change in the Jewish people’s way of thinking - how did they respond? Read Acts 11:18. They trusted and praised God! How can we trust and praise God when we are faced with change?
About this Plan

The Bridge Church is embarking on a Bible reading plan through the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs through the year! Each week will begin with a devotional on a reading passage from the week, and a Family Connection point is available for you to engage your entire family with scripture. Join us as we walk through 2021 in God's Word together!
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Read the Book: April - June

New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs in 6 Months - Thomas Road Baptist Church

Read the Book: July - September

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The Gospel of Mark (Part Seven)

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The Power of Love: Finding Rest in the Father’s Love