Healthy Eating, God's Way by Healthy by DesignНамуна

Healthy Eating, God's Way by Healthy by Design

DAY 5 OF 5

Pillar 5 - Listening to Your Body

It's hard to praise God when we don't believe we're fearfully and wonderfully made. The psalmist says, "I know that full well." Could you say the same? Can you, and do you, praise God for making you so wonderfully? Or have you disconnected from the wonder of your body and, therefore, are not able to give God praise?

Unfortunately, many of us have disconnected from our bodies, but it's not too late to reconnect. When we can see ourselves as God sees us, we will start to appreciate it as God does.

As you learn more about nutrition and healthy eating, know that there is no perfect diet for anyone. It's up to you to do your homework to understand your body and its unique needs, then feed it what it needs. 

The best way to do this is to begin to pay attention and listen to your body. It's talking to you every day. So, what is it saying to you? And, more importantly, are you listening?

There are many ways in which your body speaks to you. Some of the obvious conversations are hunger, thirst, bathroom breaks, and tiredness. But what about skin rashes, headaches, indigestion, constipation, and even muscle cramps? These are all signals that something is not working right in your body’s system. Your body not only communicates to the necessary nerves, cells, and hormones, but it communicates to you also. Learning to hear what your body is saying is not hard; it just requires your time and attention.

Food cravings, food sensitivities, bodyweight issues, gas and bloating, and abdominal discomfort are ways in which your body signals to you that your digestive system is compromised. Your digestive system includes your mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum, and anus. They all play a part in breaking down food, digesting nutrients, and eliminating waste from our bodies. This system is largely affected by food choices, and you guessed it, stress.

The best place to start is by simply being aware of what’s going on in your body. What is your body telling you right now? Is there pain anywhere? Are you sleepy? Do you feel anxious? Don’t ignore the signals anymore. The headaches, poor sleeping habits, and food cravings are just your body’s way of speaking to you. Like the "check engine" light that comes on in your car to indicate that something is wrong, your body will often tell you when it needs your attention. It’s time to be more attentive.

When you’re tuned in to your body, you won’t have to waste money on vitamins and potions that weren’t meant for you. Sure, they may work for your friend, but that does not mean that they are the best thing for your body. 

When you’re tuned in to your body, you won’t have to waste countless hours on the treadmill or Stairmaster. Those machines might work for your friend, but your body might be telling you that it only needs a light walk or to be stretched.

When you’re tuned in to your body, you can rid yourself of all the guilt and pressure of what you think you should' be doing. You won’t have to force it or even guess what you need to do; your body will simply tell you. Imagine having that kind of freedom.

Action steps

Today, with a journal in hand, listen to how your body is talking to you. Pay attention to signals of hunger, gas, bloating, energy levels, overeating, and mood.  

  • Why did you eat? Were you hungry?  
  • How did you feel after you ate? Where you satisfied? Sleepy? Did you crave something sweet?  
  • If you broke your boundaries, what were you craving?  
  • How did you feel when you went to sleep?  
  • How often is food on your mind? How much time, energy, and attention do you give to eating?  
  • How many hours do you go between meals?  
  • Are you drinking the appropriate amount of water for your body?  
  • What is the ideal meal that makes you feel the best? Why don't you eat more of it?  
  • How are your energy levels before and after eating?  
  • What foods is your body craving?


1.  What does it mean that we are fearfully and wonderfully made? Do you truly believe it?

2.  How you do treat your body like it's fearfully and wonderfully made?

3.  What do you think your body is telling you most of the time?

4.  How can you speak to your body is a way that is in line with the Word of God?


"Dear Lord, I thank you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. It's amazing to know that I am created in your image. What a privilege. Help me to tune into my body and remember this today as I eat. Holy Spirit, help me to be sensitive to what I feed my body and help me to only feed it foods that will strengthen and nourish it as you lead me away from foods that will harm it. I've disconnected from my body over the years, but now as I reconnect, help me to do so in a healthy way—in a way that glorifies you and brings praise to you. I lay aside every snare and stronghold that will keep me from understanding my body and keeping it in its rightful place. I control my body; it does not control me. Now I let go and rest in the truth that my body is your temple. In your name, I pray. Amen!"

I pray this devotional has been a blessing for you. Find the complete 28-day Healthy Eating, God's Way devotional book, along with my other Christian weight loss books and resources at:


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About this Plan

Healthy Eating, God's Way by Healthy by Design

Food is not the enemy! It's a gift from God and the sooner we can accept this truth and fix our focus, the sooner we will be free from the bondage of food. In this devotion, you'll discover that what you're really craving is something a lot more satisfying than food and a lot more delicious and nutritious, for not only your body, but also for your soul and spirit.
