Become Faithfit: Invite God Into Your WorkoutНамуна

Become Faithfit: Invite God Into Your Workout

DAY 5 OF 7

Day 5: Trials That Transform

James 1:2-4 is one of the most powerful passages in the Bible, and it’s also among the most difficult to grasp.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

Pure joy!?!? Where is the joy in things like losing a job, cancer, racism, or a global pandemic!? 

If that’s our line of thinking, we might be misunderstanding the word ‘joy’ in this passage. The word joy translated here in Greek is “Chairó,” which is to delight in or to experience God’s grace. It’s not about experiencing forced happiness, throwing on a fake smile by pulling up our emotional bootstraps. We’re called to enjoy new depths of God’s grace during trials. We can be delighted in knowing that He is with us, loving us, and producing a change in us amid hard things. 

Here’s a practical example:

As a research project, the University of Arizona created the ‘Biosphere 2’ to simulate the earth’s biosphere. This giant greenhouse was larger than three football fields and held all sorts of plants, including trees. The trees grew healthy and fast inside this ideal environment. But as they got bigger, something peculiar happened; they began to collapse under their weight. The study uncovered that the presence of wind in a tree’s life makes it stronger. The wind, though it makes a tree bend and puts stress on its branches, strengthens the tree, allowing it to stand strong over the long haul. 

This concept applies to our fitness as well. A workout is a trial we put our body through. While the stress of intense movements and heavy loads brings on pain, it also creates mini-tears in our muscles. Our body repairs these mini-tears, building those muscles back stronger and more resilient. We endure and even delight in this process because we know the physical benefits that will come of it. And even though it’s tempting to skip reps or avoid the pain altogether, knowing it’s producing something helps us not only endure but attack the momentary discomfort. 

This is why we can approach each stress and strain in life confidently; knowing each point of pain is a chance to relish in God’s grace and fortify our faith. Our proverbial tree branches strain under the pressure life dishes out, and while it hurts, we know it makes us stronger. Therefore we embrace the gift of God’s grace, and that mindset keeps us from crumbling. That is a cause for joy! 


Let's practice this joy in a workout when the stakes are low, so you are prepared for when the stakes are high. Then you'll be motivated to respond as God asks you to: "count it all joy." Try the 30-minute FaithFit workout titled "Trials that Transform" found at the top of this devotional. 


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About this Plan

Become Faithfit: Invite God Into Your Workout

The world would lead us to believe that fitness is all about self-glorification. This devotional is designed to challenge that narrative and help you invite God into your workout, so it becomes a God-glorifying physical and spiritual growth. You’ll unpack biblical principles that relate to combining faith with fitness. Then, each day, you’ll apply what you read through a FaithFit devotional workout video that combines bodyweight exercises with scripture-based encouragement.
