14 Days to Integrating Faith and FitnessНамуна

14 Days to Integrating Faith and Fitness

DAY 10 OF 14

Go All In

In Jeremiah 29:13, God says, "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” What’s the key here to seeking and finding God? Searching with all of your heart. 

I remember my pursuit to get a new personal record on my deadlift. I’d failed at a new, heavier weight for months. So I began to tweak my warmups, my hydration, and my explosiveness. I researched, and talked with skilled Olympic lifters. I was relentless in my pursuit to hit that next lift. And I didn’t give up, even when everyone around me was lifting more.

To search for God with all of your heart is similar. It takes effort. You’re going to sweat, and maybe even cry a little. You may have to research and ask others for help. But the feeling of finding God is unlike anything else. Just like with my deadlift, if I’d quit early, I wouldn’t have seen the results I was looking for.

Don’t give up!

What are some spiritual disciplines you can build into your life that will help you seek God with all of your heart? Here are a few:

  • Reading and meditating on Scripture
  • Prayer
  • Solitude
  • Corporate worship
  • Private worship
  • Memorizing Scripture
  • Community (doing life with other Jesus followers)
  • Sitting under Biblical teaching

Which of these do you need to renew a focus on in this season? In your pursuit to integrate faith and fitness, don’t give up too early on these disciplines. 

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About this Plan

14 Days to Integrating Faith and Fitness

Faith and fitness can feel at odds, but in reality they're closer than you might think. It's possible to pursue Jesus AND pursue physical health. And the more they're integrated, the stronger you'll grow both physically and spiritually. Join us for a 14-day journey to health!
