Seeking God’s Heart Намуна

Seeking God’s Heart

DAY 4 OF 5


Faithfulness is a relational two-way street. For example, you have expectations for others to be faithful to their commitments, and you want to model the same. If you tell someone you will meet them at 9 AM, then you need to be faithful and show up at 9 AM or even a little earlier. Time is precious, and you do not want to disrespect another’s time by spending it unwisely. The essence of faithfulness is doing what you said you would do. It is the integrity of following through with a commitment even when it is costly. Commitments are not to be taken lightly. So a verbal commitment, for instance, should be considered as binding as a written contract. When you keep your word, you are true to yourself and others.

If you make a verbal commitment, it behooves you to make sure there is an understanding among all parties. If there is not clear communication, then expectations may not be clear. That could result in a perception of unfaithfulness. The burden of responsibility is on the communicator, and marginless living contributes to poor communication. If you are moving too fast and are overcommitted, your communication skills and follow through drop off. You may assume others understand you and know what is going on, but this is flawed thinking. Other people live busy lives as well, so they need you to slow down and show up with clear speech. Slow down, communicate more, and show up on time for appointments. Take a relational audit and create a “stop doing” list so you are free for follow through. Follow the Lord’s example as a promise keeper: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).

Fortunately, as a follower of Christ, you have the Faithful One in your life to model the way. He has been faithful even in your unfaithfulness. He is faithful to forgive your sin and remember it no more (Jeremiah 31:34b). He is faithful to flood your soul with peace, joy, and contentment. He is faithful to give you friends and family who love you in spite of yourself. He was faithful to follow through with the cross of Christ, even through the cries of His only Son and the ultimate sacrifice of His life. God understands what it means to keep a commitment even when it costs a great deal. He says in His Word to let our “Yes” be “Yes” and our “No” be “No” (Matthew 5:37). You do this because you want to be faithful to Him. Your faithfulness is rooted in God, and that faithfulness does not go unnoticed or unrewarded. One of the greatest rewards is the gift of trust. Faithfulness births and grows trust so that over time, you earn the reputation as a trustworthy person.

Be faithful because He is faithful. Those who can be trusted with a little can be trusted with much (Matt. 25:21), and that “much” is faithfulness’s reward.


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About this Plan

Seeking God’s Heart

Seeking God’s Heart is a sneak peek into Boyd Bailey’s journey of sitting before the Lord with pen in hand, ready to listen and write what he felt the Lord was teaching him and prompting him to share with others. We hope you enjoy these five days of devotional thoughts mingled with God’s Word that will help you draw closer to the One who loves you most.
