Living Color Намуна

Won’t Be Afraid
We don’t have to wait for the future to be used by God. We don’t have to be afraid of the future either, because God is already there!
But we all sometimes worry about what could happen tomorrow. Maybe you’ve been feeling afraid because you’re having a hard time in school or things at home haven’t been going great.
The next time you’re overwhelmed by fear, take a few minutes to play the song “Won’t Be Afraid.” This song reminds us that no weapon will rise up against us that’s stronger than God’s promise to us.
This means anything that comes into your life that scares you — whether it’s a bully at school or a situation you can’t control — you don’t have to be afraid of!
God promises to never leave you. He promises to be your strength when you feel weak and to be your light when things feel dark.
You will face things that are scary in life — everyone does — but what scares you doesn’t scare God, and you’ll never face anything bigger than Him!
Talk It Out
- What’s something that’s been scaring you lately? Why?
- What are some ways you can remind yourself that God is bigger than the things you face the next time you’re afraid?
Father, I’m so grateful that You’re bigger than anything that stands against me! Help me to remember that when I start to feel worried or scared. Thank You for giving me hope that never fails. I love You. Amen.
About this Plan

We want to show our kids how exciting and vibrant a life with Jesus can be! Follow along in this seven-day plan as we dive deeper into the song lyrics on our new album, Living Color. Jesus isn’t just for the future — He’s for today!