NKJV 365 Day Reading PlanНамуна

The Four “Orders” in Church Government
The New Testament teaches that all four “orders” which form the government of the Church — laity, deacons, presbyters, and bishops — are necessary to the proper functioning of the body of Christ. All four are clearly visible in Paul’s first letter to Timothy.
1. The laity are also called “saints” (Rom 1:7; 2Co 1:1; 1Ti 5:10), the “faithful” (Eph 1:1), and “brethren” (Col 1:2). The laity (Gr. laos) are the people of God, the “priesthood” (1Pt 2:4–10). Technically, the term “laity” includes the clergy, though in our day the word usually refers to those in the Church who are not ordained. It is from among the laity that the other three orders emerge.
2. The deacons, literally “servants,” are ordained to serve the Church and must meet high qualifications (1Ti 3:8–13). The apostles were the first to take on the service tasks of deacons, and when the workload became too great they called for “seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business” (Acts 6:3). Besides serving the material needs of the people, deacons occupy a crucial role in the liturgical life of the Church.
3. The presbyters, or elders, are visible throughout the New Testament. Their ministry from the start was to “rule,” “labor in the word,” and teach true “doctrine” (1Ti 5:17) in the local congregation. Paul “appointed elders in every church” (Acts 14:23) and later instructed his apostolic apprentice, Titus, to do the same in Crete (Tts 1:5). From the word “presbyter” came the shorter form “prest,” which finally became “priest.” In no way is the ordained Christian priesthood seen as a throwback to or a reenacting of the Old Testament priesthood. Rather, joined to Christ who is our High Priest “according to the order of Melchizedek” (Heb 5:6, 10), the Orthodox priest is likewise a minister of a new covenant that supersedes the old.
4. The bishop is the “overseer” of the congregation and clergy in a given area. Often the terms “bishop” and “elder” are used interchangeably in the New Testament (Acts 20:17, 28), with the bishop being the leader of the elders. The qualifications for bishop listed in 1 Timothy 3:17 and Titus 1:7–9 underscore this role. Nonetheless, the bishopric is a specific office both in the New Testament and in the early Church. The Twelve were the first to hold this office (in Acts 1:20 “office” could literally be translated “bishopric”) and they, in turn, consecrated other bishops to follow them. For example, Timothy and Titus are clearly of a separate order from that of elder (see 1Ti 5:17–22; Tts 1:5). Early records show James was bishop of Jerusalem by AD 49 and functioned accordingly at the first council there (Acts 15:13–22). Peter is on record as the first bishop of Antioch prior to AD 53, and later the first bishop of Rome, where he was martyred about AD 65.
Taken from The Orthodox Study Bible
About this Plan

This year-long reading plan will help readers learn about the stories and the people of the Bible as they delve into the meaning of God's Word. It features 365 readings from a variety of NKJV Bibles, which will provide Christians with insight and information that will help them grow stronger in their faith.