Faith to Move Mountains - A Disciple-Maker's DevotionalНамуна

Levi Transformed
Levi heard Jesus’ words and looked into Jesus’ face. Now nothing else in his life mattered. He got up from his tax booth and followed Jesus. Jesus captured Levi’s attention, then captured his heart. The encounter was so overwhelmingly wonderful that Levi made Jesus a great feast and brought his fellow tax collectors and friends to join the celebration.
This is the impact Jesus has upon those who meet Him. He’s done this with millions of people like Levi for 2,000 years. He is still doing it today and will do it tomorrow.
One of our church planters who worked in Mongolia tells of a Mongol man who met Jesus one morning. He was urged by the church planter to immediately go share his faith. Joyfully, he went home to tell his family. Before long he went to the neighbors on the right side of his house. He went to the neighbors on the left side of his house. By the end of the day, 24 people met Jesus! A new fellowship began in his home.
Let’s stir our faith. Let’s believe that the people we reach out to will “hear” His voice and “see” His face. Let’s have faith that He will impact them as He did Levi—capturing their attention and capturing their hearts. Let’s believe they will be transformed by Jesus’ love and power and then freely tell family and friends.
Levi (also called Matthew) was transformed. Once a despised collector of Roman taxes, he became one of The Twelve and the author of the Gospel of Matthew, said to be the most widely read book in the world!
Personal questions to consider:
1. Who are three people you know who were dramatically transformed by Jesus?
2. Who are three people you will pray for to meet Jesus in similar ways?
Pray for the frontline workers to:
1. Choose specific unreached people to pray for diligently.
2. Build up their faith to believe these and others will hear, see, and follow Jesus.
Did you enjoy this plan? It was adapted from our full 30-day devotional by the same title. Keep reading this encouraging devotional or grab other resources for disciple-makers at
About this Plan

Need encouragement in making disciples among the unreached? Seven days of inspiring devotionals will encourage your heart and build your faith. The authors share a scripture, a story, and a challenge from years of front-line experience in working among the unreached. Missions, evangelism, disciple-making, and church planting can be difficult. This devotional will kickstart your faith for a movement of disciples among the unreached.