Say to the StormНамуна

Cole is my 13 year old, cotton-topped, super logical, hilarious, and the-best-in-the-world son. You know how most little kids pick their noses? Cole NEVER did. I mean never. If he saw another kid in kindergarten doing it, he’d start gagging. So if we went to a friend’s house for dinner, I never add “don’t pick your nose” to a list of etiquette reminders. Sure, “don’t pass gas” was in there, but never “don’t pick your nose.” Why? Because he wasn’t prone to do it. It wasn’t a part of who he was & is.
Just like I know the ins and outs of my son, God, too, knows the ins and outs of His children. Over and over throughout His word he gives us a list of reminders. The one at the top? Don’t worry/fear not/don’t be afraid (See Philippians 4:6, Proverbs 12:25, Isaiah 41:10, and many more). He knew we’d be super prone to let our thoughts wander.
This is especially true in a storm. Just like we can see the lightning and hear the thunder of an April shower, so too can we see and hear an emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical storm in life. It’s easy to let our thoughts focus on the storm.
All this week, recognize those times when your mind wanders. His word says in Philippians 4:8, “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”
When your thoughts begin to shift to worry and fear and the what-ifs, follow 2 Corinthians 10:5 that says to “capture rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.”
“Fix” and “Capture” are two action words. Let these actions start with prayer:
Heavenly Father, please make me aware of when my thoughts aren’t fixed on good things. Father, let me quickly capture those thoughts and line them up with your words and your promises. I realize this is my responsibility and I commit to capturing worry-filled and fearful thoughts today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
About this Plan

When life’s storms appear, do you know who you are and whose you are? Your storm doesn’t define you. Your burdens don’t define you. Your past doesn’t define you. Your circumstances don’t define you. What defines you, my friend is your Creator. Each day of this devotion we’ll learn how to speak God’s word to our storms and over our lives. Let’s be empowered by His Word! This reading plan is from the devotional book "Say: Speaking God's Promises" by Allyson McElroy of On3Ministries