What If Christianity Isn't What You Think?Намуна

What If Christianity Isn't What You Think?

DAY 5 OF 9

The Sabbath Isn’t What You Think

“Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.”

Music is an interesting thing. When we are listening to it, no matter what we do, we can’t change it. It doesn’t take you into account. It simply is. It plays and keeps the rhythm regardless of whether or not we submit to it.

The way God created the world is kind of like that. It has a rhythm about it. And we can’t change that. There is music playing in the universe and we can dance to the rhythm or not but it isn’t going to change the music.

That’s what I think the Sabbath is like. God created the world to operate on rhythms, seasons, and cadences. One of those rhythms is the rhythm of work and rest, work and rest, work and rest. But in America we somehow think we can change the music. So we work harder, and harder, and harder, and sleep less, and eat worse, and rest less, and think somehow that’s going to help us in the long run.

However, it doesn't. We break down. We start to lose who we are. We feel empty. But when we return to a day of play, and rest, and filling which is what the sabbath is truly about then we find that rhythm we were created for. It’s not supposed to be a day to solemnly sit and do nothing. Or a day to do all your errands. It’s a day to play. To cease work and remember how good God is.

What if you treated the sabbath as holy? What’s keeping you from resting?


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About this Plan

What If Christianity Isn't What You Think?

What if there is more to Jesus than you ever imagined? Christianity is about so much more than going to heaven when you die, and Jesus wants to meet us in the here and now, which means this life matters. Follow along on this 9 day journey through scripture to see Jesus for who He truly is and what He came to do.
