From GodНамуна

A Generation in Exile
Let’s just face the facts. Your generation has been positioned at a very unique point in history. A point you didn’t get to choose, and probably wouldn’t want to choose even if you could.
This year, you faced a global lockdown because of a pandemic. You were exposed to the horrors of racism that still exist in our world today. You’ve witnessed the ongoing political divide transform every issue into a battle between “us” and “them” (and we’re still several months away from the actual election.) You’ve seen more and more people be skeptical of and hostile toward the Christian faith. All of that is in addition to the regular challenges of being a teenager: homework, school, friendships, dating, what to do when you graduate, forming your own opinions, the pressures to succeed, social media, and the list goes on and on.
You’ve been given a heavy burden to carry. So heavy, that at times it can feel like there’s no hope for the future and we are powerless to make a difference.
Around 2,600 years ago, there was another generation positioned at a very unique point in history. A point they didn’t get to choose.
They were a generation in exile. They were taken from their home in Jerusalem over 1,600 miles to the city of Babylon. Their normal was taken from them. Their sense of stability was stolen. Everything they knew was flipped upside down.
And yet, they never lost hope. They stayed faithful to God in the face of overwhelming odds. They discovered how to make the most of the unique point in history in which God had placed them. They kept seeking God. They stayed connected with each other. They found new ways to make a difference in their city.
You are a generation in exile. Your normal was taken from you. Your sense of stability was stolen. Everything you knew was flipped upside down.
And yet, you don’t have to lose hope. You can still faithfully follow Jesus in the face of overwhelming odds. Keep seeking God. Stay connected with each other. Make a difference in your city.
Because of Jesus, we have hope. Because of Jesus, we have power. Because of Jesus, your generation can leave a legacy that will never be forgotten.
Reflection Questions:
- What burden are you carrying? Who can help you carry that burden?
- How well do you feel like you are seeking God, staying connected to each other, and making a difference in your community? Be honest. This isn’t a test, and God always has grace.
About this Plan

How much power is in a blue check, a platinum play button, a stadium chanting and wearing your name? If fame is the power that comes from being known by many, what happens when the All-Powerful and All-Knowing wears your name? Here’s the real question: Do we really believe we have power? If so, what happens when we use our power for the good of others? Hope is power.