2 SamuelНамуна

Questions to consider:
1. What does this passage teach you about God?
2. What does this teach you about humanity and the world?
3. Remind yourself of what happened when the throne was passed from Saul to David in 1 Samuel. What happened? Why do you think Shimei is so upset with David in this passage?
4. Hushai, David’s advisor, went to Absalom’s courts to act as his advisor, and as a spy for David. While he was there, he witnessed Ahithophel giving Absalom some terrible advice. When is a time you have received advice from two people, but one was not as good as the other? How do you filter bad advice from good advice?
Let’s pray:
Father, would you help us to have ears to listen to the people whose words are from You, and have a filter to not listen to the people who do not have our best interests in mind? Father, I pray that I would surround myself with people who love You and are obedient to Your word.
About this Plan

No one is immune to sin. But what do we turn to when the consequences of missing the mark turn our lives upside down? Join us as we read through 2 Samuel and learn from David as he experiences the incredible promises of God, the devastating effects of sin, and the healing that can come from a repentant heart.