The Church has Left the BuildingНамуна

The Church has Left the Building

DAY 2 OF 7

Currently, we are in a time where we haven’t been going to a church gathering for a while. Maybe you watched church online with your family. Maybe you watched during brunch, with kids playing. Maybe Fox News has replaced your “church time.” It is easy to fall into complacency. It is like setting up camp and starting the fire. At first, the flame is small, but then everything begins to burn, flames multiply. There is warmth, comfort and beauty as you stare at the flame. And then slowly the fire begins to die. Hot coals only remain, unless you fan the flame again and allow it to ignite.

Sound familiar? Maybe your faith or love for Jesus is similar to the campfire. Your faith started slow, built up and had huge momentum, and then slowly the flame began to die. You’re not as warm as you used to be. You started to become a little uncomfortable.  Following Jesus became a little unattractive. 

Paul understands. He asks us to fan the flame in our own lives. Today is the day where flame can come from ashes. You can have that fire again. But you have to do something. You have to fan the flame. Paul encouraged Timothy that he can do it. God gave him, and you, power, love and self-discipline. Reigniting fire takes time, but as we fan the flame, God promises the fire will return.

And why do we do it? We do it because Jesus is the Savior of the world. He left Heaven, came to Earth, lived a perfect life, loving those around Him. Then He climbed up on a cross, taking our place, and died so we could have a relationship with God the Father. Jesus left Heaven. You should leave the church. Be the Church (Jesus) to your families, your neighbors, your coworkers and fellow grocery shoppers. The Church has left the building. Will you leave your house on a mission to make Jesus famous?

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About this Plan

The Church has Left the Building

Do we want to look back at our time in history and watch Christianity fall by the wayside? Do we want our generation to be known throughout all of history as the generation who was overtaken? It is our responsibility to step up, take action, and lead the NOW generation into the future. We don’t want Christianity to begin dying on our watch.
