Peace by Piece—Surrendering All That Is Beautifully BrokenНамуна

The Pieces of Your Calling
Have you ever had a difficult time discerning exactly what God wants you to do in life? Or perhaps you have heard His voice, but you do not know “when” or “how” you will be able to fulfill what He requires? Maybe you are in a place where you feel it is impossible for God to use someone like you. You feel worried and anxious about this, which causes a lack of peace.
Good news, friend. God uses broken and perfectly imperfect people to fulfill His purposes and plans. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. When we rely on God for His strength, we can do the appointed task ahead!
You have been handcrafted by the Creator and given specific gifts and talents unique to you alone. They should not be wasted. You are valued by God and have purpose in this life. Seek the Lord diligently, asking Him what your call is. God may invite you to do the seemingly impossible, but remember all things are possible with God. His answer may be “wait,” or it may be “go.” But He knows best; His timing is perfect.
The parable of the talents greatly encouraged me a few years back. I like to relate these monetary talents to God-given talents or abilities. Remember, the master called his servants and entrusted them with something special. Most of them utilized and multiplied their gifts. However, one servant was full of much fear and buried his talent in the ground. The master was not pleased with this behavior at all. What talent have you concealed? What God-given ability does the Lord want you to dig up, put into use, and share with the world?
When we surrender and diligently seek the Lord, we will hear and know. God may not audibly speak to you, but He will speak. It could be through His Word, trusted friends, a sermon, a song, or quiet time. Ask, listen, and then obey… even when it seems complicated and arduous. Ask God for the holy courage and ability to do it.
When God calls you, He is with you and will equip you with everything you need to fulfill His plan. You will be full of peace and joy to know you are walking in obedience to God.
About this Plan

Are you holding on too tightly to pieces of your life? As a busy wife and ministry leader, Nicole Drayer knows how you feel. Her need for control has only led to anxiety and high stress, rather than God’s peace that she ultimately desired. It is not an easy road, but when the pieces of your life are fully surrendered to God, His peace can reside in your heart.