Names of God: Through Thanksgiving & ChristmasНамуна

Names of God: Through Thanksgiving & Christmas

DAY 2 OF 30

Paul closes this letter to the Philippi church with words of great thanks, encouragement, and gratitude as the Philippians had generously supported him and met his needs. He writes this letter while he is imprisoned and enduring great suffering.  Despite his agonizing circumstance, he expresses his joy and contentment. He encourages them to continue in their generosity, trusting that God will supply their every need.

Believers are given a tough mission while on earth: to spread the gospel and love of Jesus Christ to a lost world through our words, our behavior, our service, and our lifestyle. This mission may cost us relationships, position, careers, reputation, and even our very lives.  Believers may be persecuted, slandered, ostracized, imprisoned, or even killed for our faith. God asks us to trust Him with all of our needs. God asks us to believe that what we have right at this moment is enough to carry out His mission. God asks us to endure in our circumstances, no matter how difficult, and to find joy no matter what because we have Him with us always. 

In what circumstance are you doubting the Lord’s provision?  Are you struggling to accept that where God has placed you and what He has in front of you is enough for today?  Who can you bless today with your support and provision just as the Philippians did for Paul?   

Father God, You are my God of generosity who gives freely of Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy.  Lord, I am struggling with this circumstance in which you have me right now.  There are days when feel like I desire and need more than You have already graciously provided.  Lord, forgive me for doubting You. Lord, teach me how to be content in all circumstances.  Help me to trust and believe that everything You have given me is all that I need. Lord, when I wrestle against Your Mighty Hand in my life, remind me that You do not withhold any good thing from me. Remind me that You make all things beautiful in Your time.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.        

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About this Plan

Names of God: Through Thanksgiving & Christmas

What’s in a name? The many beautiful names of God reveal something about who he is and why he functions the way he does. Names of God – specifically written to help us focus on our Lord during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons – walks us through the study of six of the names God has given himself. Time is spent looking at the truths these names reveal about God, and how this knowledge should practically impact our everyday decisions, emotions, and relationships. “For what higher, more exalted, and more compelling goal can there be than to know God?” ~ J.I. Packer. Come join us as we get to know God more fully and spend time adoring him for who he is. God shows himself to us through his names because of his great love for us. We, in turn, have the privilege of loving, worshipping and resting in Him on an even deeper level during this reflective time of year. Journal with us as we go through this study for the next six weeks…reading and writing what God speaks into our hearts.
