Know, Grow, Show. Reflections From John 15Намуна

Know, Grow, Show. Reflections From John 15

DAY 15 OF 18


What is the composition of Love? In other words, how would you describe or define love? Jesus defined love for us – it is laying down our lives for each other. Is there anyone here for whom you are willing to die? Well, this is what Jesus expects of us. So when we say we love, let us think again.

In day-to-day terms, what does it look like? It means putting the other person’s interest above my own. It means helping someone even when it's not convenient. It means overlooking people’s faults and weaknesses. This is where the rubber hits the road. This is where the profession of our faith is tested.

Love is an action word – feelings may accompany it, but it is a decision of the will.

Today, love is often misrepresented as just feelings and something that happens to you when the mood and the environment are right.

The Bible defines love very differently. One only needs to look at 1 Corinthians 13. That is our standard. 

Love is something we do for another person.

Love is not a feeling. Love is wrapped in flesh and blood.  I cannot isolate myself from the family of God and say I have love. That is a contradiction. 

That is why meeting together in church or a home group is important. Christianity is personal as well as a corporate faith. We live the faith together. Love cannot be practiced in isolation.

Do you know how many bible verses are there that say “one another”? There are 59 verses in the New Testament on one another.

You can unite around ideology, theology, a cause, or even a common enemy – but that unity is fragile. Should there be a change in any of these elements, the unity will disintegrate.

Love transcends all this. The ideology can change; the cause can change but if you love unconditionally from the heart you can still be united. 

You do not have to agree on everything to love. Love that demands agreement on everything, is not love. Its control, manipulative, and often uses fear to get conformity.

In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity. If only we practice this more!!


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About this Plan

Know, Grow, Show. Reflections From John 15

Recently God has been bringing me back to John 15. It has become a lamp to my feet and a light to my path in the season that unfolded. Reflect with me on some of the main themes of this passage; knowing, growing and loving. This 18 day plan is written by Navaz D'Cruz.
