Friendship Намуна


DAY 6 OF 7

Pray for Friends

If you don’t have friends, let me encourage you: Pray to Jesus and ask God to give you good friends. At one of our campuses, a pastor’s mom said this, “When it comes to friends, you can either have 100 pennies or you can have 4 quarters. And it’s far better, to have 4 quarters than to have 100 pennies.” Many of us just need four quarters. We just need a few friends in our lives. 

Pray that God would give you a friend. Jesus, who is your Silver Dollar, loves to provide quarters. He will provide pennies, too. But let the silver dollar of Jesus be your number one friend. He changes everything. There’s a wonderful and old hymn, and it says this:

What a friend we have in Jesus

All our sins and griefs to bear

What a privilege to carry

Everything to God in prayer

O what a peace we often forfeit

O what needless pain we bear

All because we do not carry

Everything to God in prayer

Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus. He can provide you the friends that you need. It changes everything to trust in the Lord. He begins to change you, and you become a friend to other people.

This is a great poem: “I went out to find a friend. I could find no one there. I went out to be a friend, and friends were everywhere.” When we go out to be a friend, that’s how we attract friends. 

We are not meant to do life alone on earth. God wants us to have friendships. I encourage you to pray this prayer if you need a friend today. “Father God, thank You for being my friend. Thank you for loving me so much and being mindful of my needs here on earth. You know the blessing friendship is to others, so I ask that You provide that one friend in my life. I put my trust and faith in You that You will provide the right friendships in my life. Give me the wisdom to also be a good friend to someone. In Your name, I pray, amen.” 

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About this Plan


So many today are struggling with loneliness, yet we were wired for friendships. God does not want us to do life alone on earth. This plan will share the friendships of Jesus. Make Jesus your best friend and trust Him to provide the friends that you need.
