The BattleНамуна

The Battle

DAY 7 OF 22


By Amy Cook

Jesus taught His followers the value of fasting to equip them for spiritual warfare. When His discouraged disciples asked Him why they couldn’t cast a demon out of a tormented boy, Jesus directly told them it was because of their unbelief (Matthew 17:14–21). He went on to explain that they only needed faith the size of a mustard seed to do the impossible, but first they had to fast and pray to remove the blockade of unbelief in their heart so that faith could work unhindered. Jesus wasn’t saying there is some unique type of demon that only comes out by fasting. Every demon is subject to the name of Jesus spoken with authority; there are no special exceptions. Jesus wanted His disciples to know that “anything is possible if a person believes” (Mark 9:23, NLT).

So why is fasting effective against unbelief? The terms “doubt” and “unbelief” are often coupled together, but there is a subtle difference. Doubt means to question the truth or reliability of something or someone. Unbelief means to have your belief undone or undermined by believing something other than God’s Word. When Jesus said, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting,” He was referring to the kind of unbelief that is rooted in your physical senses (Mark 9:29, NKJV; emphasis added). The disciples knew Jesus had given them power and authority over all devils (Luke 9:1), so they didn’t understand why they had failed to cast out that particular demon. The reason why the disciples failed is because they put more confidence in what their physical senses were telling them than what Jesus had told them. They watched the demon manifest in violent and alarming ways, and they allowed the physical facts they witnessed to pervert their faith in Jesus’ promise to them.

In order to see the impossible come to pass, you must believe your spiritual eyes more than your natural ones. In fact, even Jesus couldn’t do any mighty works in the place where He grew up, because the people there saw Him through fleshly eyes instead of spiritual ones (Matthew 13:54–58). Because of their hardened hearts, the people in Jesus’ hometown only saw a few sick people healed (Mark 6:5–6).

The enemy is trying every tactic he can to drive you away from occupying his territory and bringing life to dry places. Satan knows that if you succumb to unbelief, he can prevent you from fighting effectively. But God has given you a powerful tool to deal with unbelief and to strengthen you for spiritual warfare. Through fasting, you can clear away the unbelief and the earthly debris that blocks faith from flowing out of the wellspring of your spirit. Unbelief is fed by what you can see; but faith is fed by what you cannot see. That is why Isaiah 58:8 (KJV) says, “thine health shall spring forth speedily” (emphasis added). The life and health Jesus purchased for you will spring forth from your spirit once unbelief isn’t clogging your well. Isaiah 58:11 (NIV) says, “The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” When you fast and pray, you can experience the benefits God has promised.

Memory Verse

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6 (NIV)

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About this Plan

The Battle

In this 21-day devotional from Gateway Church, you'll discover how to stay in close communication with your heavenly Commander and obey His orders as well as how to be armed and ready for battle.
