Think About the Things You Think AboutНамуна

Think About the Things You Think About

DAY 7 OF 7

Keep Thinking About These Things

It’s day seven. You’ve been reading and reading. Hopefully you’ve been writing and writing in your gratitude journal, too!

You learned that with God’s help, you can control your attitude, your emotions, and your inner critic. 

Have you memorized Philippians 4:8 yet? Today, take some extra time and really focus on the words that describe the kinds of thoughts you’re supposed to really stick with. 

  • True
  • Noble
  • Right
  • Pure
  • Lovely
  • Admirable
  • Excellent
  • Praiseworthy

None of those words cause stress. None of those words are negative or hurtful. Today, spend some time listening to this Philippians 4:8 song again. Maybe you can even sing along! (Reminder: The video uses the NIV translation. Maybe you’d like to use it as you do your Bible reading today.)

Ask yourself: What’s the biggest thing I’ve learned I need to control in my mind: my attitude, my emotions, or my inner critic? How can Philippians 4:8 help me to take control?

Challenge yourself: First, you know what to do. Write down something from today that you’re grateful for, and add the date. Then, don’t lose this journal! Write in it as often as possible. It’s a fantastic way to train your brain to look for what’s good each day. And when you’re having a day that feels like it’s just no good? Grab this journal to remind yourself of all the good things that have happened in the past. Encourage yourself that there is more to be thankful for in your future.  

Pray: God, thank You for helping me to control my thoughts. Help me to grow in self control each and every day. Thank You for helping me to find what is good to focus on. Thank You that even if things are bad all around me, You are still good, and I can focus on Your goodness anytime! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Hey, before you go, check out more awesome videos from the Loop Show! 

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About this Plan

Think About the Things You Think About

Do you ever just wake up with a bad attitude? Or have emotional outbursts? Or nitpick every tiny flaw you think you have? Ugh. Not fun. But God doesn’t want us to live that way. This Bible Plan will help you learn truth from Philippians chapter 4. It will help you think about what you think about!
