Understanding the Purpose and Power of PrayerНамуна

Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer

DAY 10 OF 11

The Power of Jesus’ Name

Along with praying according to the Word, praying in the name of Jesus gives our prayers tremendous power.

Magic Formula?

Many believers’ prayers aren’t being answered because they misunderstand what it means to pray in the name of Jesus. We tend to think we can pray any type of prayer and then say, “In the name of Jesus, amen,” believing that the phrase alone is what makes our prayers effective with God. It doesn’t work that way.

We shouldn’t try to dignify or sanctify our prayers by tacking on the name of Jesus at the end. Jesus’ name is not a magic formula or password that guarantees automatic acceptance of all our prayers. We’re not effective in prayer just by using the word Jesus, but by understanding the significance of who He really is and appropriating His power through faith in His name.

Our Covenantal Rights

Someone who doesn’t know God or is not in proper relationship with Him through Christ cannot legally do business with God. Yet because of Jesus, we can be forgiven of our trespasses. He cancelled our sins through His sacrifice on the cross and delivered us from the power of sin, so now we can have legal access to God through His name. No one can claim power through Jesus’ name without having official-child-of-God status. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12 KJV). And remember that, since Jesus won back mankind’s dominion over the earth, we can legally rule on the earth again through His authority.

The authority we have in Jesus’ name through prayer is based on our covenantal relationship with God through Christ. “But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs [the priests of Israel] as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises” (Hebrews 8:6). We can pray to God directly in Jesus’ name because He has given us authority to do so based on the new covenant.

Seven times in the New Testament, Jesus made a statement such as the following, giving us the legal right to use His name with God: “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name” (John 16:23). We pray to the Father based on our relationship with Christ, who is Lord over the new covenant.

Philippians 2:10 says, “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” Because Christ restored us to our relationship and rights with both God and the earth, His name is our legal authority—whether we are dealing with “heaven” (with God), “earth” (with men), or “under the earth” (with Satan). In essence, Jesus’ name is our legal authority to transact spiritual business with God. “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time” (1 Timothy 2:5–6).

God’s Divine Attributes

If we want God to meet our need when we pray “in the name of Jesus,” we must pray based on the divine name that meets our particular need at the time. We don’t receive answers to prayer by merely speaking Jesus’ name, but by calling on His nature and attributes, which can meet our every need.

Do you know Jesus only as Savior? Then that is probably all He will be to you. Do you know Him only as Healer? Then that is all He will be to you. If you believe in Jesus as your Savior and Redeemer from sin, that is wonderful because that is where everyone must start. However, He wants to reveal Himself to you in a deeper way. For example, do you know Him as the Savior of others, as well as yourself? If you want someone among your family and friends to be saved, then you can pray the name Savior. That’s all you need to pray for the person who needs salvation: “Jesus, Savior, save Judy.” The Scripture says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21). Stand in their stead and call on the name of the Lord on their behalf.

We are not to dwell on our particular problems, but on the attributes of God that address those problems. Since He is the I AM, His attributes are as numerous as your needs—and beyond! For example, in the realm of your finances, do you know Him as Rent-Payer, Debt-Canceler, and Tuition-Provider? That is how we are to pray in the name of Jesus. It’s important to understand that the name of Jesus is given to us to use in relation to our needs. 

Power of Attorney

What we’ve been discussing about the name of Jesus and the covenant authority we have through Him refers to Jesus’ “power of attorney.” Legally, when you give power of attorney to someone, it means you appoint that person to represent you. You give the person the legal right and authority to speak for you and do business in your name. Praying in the name of Jesus is giving Him power of attorney to intercede on your behalf when you make requests of the Father.

Jesus is actively working on our behalf from His position at the right hand of the Father (see Romans 8:34). He is representing our interests to God: “Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them” (Hebrews 7:25). He is bringing glory to the Father by fulfilling the prayers we pray according to the Word (see John 14:12–14). After Jesus spoke to His disciples about praying in His name, He immediately began to talk about the Holy Spirit, because the Spirit continues Jesus’ ministry on earth: “If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor [“Comforter” KJV] to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth” (John 14:15–17).

Jesus was saying, in effect, “I am going to the Father, but I will send you the Holy Spirit. He will be your Counselor. He will assist in exercising power of attorney by enabling you to pray. He will help you present your cases to God. He will help you get your situation clearly sorted out so you can present it to the Father in My name.”

The Key to Heaven

If you want to do business with the Father, therefore, don’t try to come without the name of Jesus, because His name is the key to heaven. When Peter encountered the man at the gate Beautiful, he healed him in the name of Jesus, not in the name of the believers. He said, in effect, “I don’t have any silver and gold. All I have is a name, the name, and I’m about to do business with heaven. The Father is working, and I see you healed already. Therefore, I am going to bring to earth what I see in heaven; but I have to do it through the legal channel” (see Acts 3:1–8). No one but Jesus can be our legal channel to the Father.

Whatever you need, call on Jesus to fulfill that need based on who He is. Use what He has given you: His nature, His attributes, and the authority to pray in His name so you can ask the Father to manifest His power in your life and in the lives of others. Call on the name of the Lord.

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Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer

The greatest difficulty in many believers’ spiritual lives is prayer. They know prayer is a foundational element of the Christian life, but their practice of prayer has been discouraging, leading them to doubt it really makes a difference. Prayer is one of the most misunderstood arts of the human experience. By understanding the purpose and principles of prayer, you will begin to communicate with God with power, grace, and confidence.
