All In The Family Намуна

All In The Family

DAY 5 OF 5

If you follow Jesus, you are part of God’s family - and so is every other follower of Jesus. This is why one of the most common phrases used to talk about other followers of Jesus throughout the New Testament is "brothers and sisters". 

The church (meaning all followers of Jesus in the world, not a building) is a family. And because of this, we ought to treat each other like family. 

Now, you might be thinking - "you don’t want me treating anyone like I treat my family!” Maybe that’s true, but that’s why the authors of the New Testament tell us exactly what it looks like when the church acts like family. 

We are to love each other, accept each other, encourage each other, build each other up, forgive each other, and do good towards each other.  

You won’t always get these things right, and that’s okay. When you mess up, you ask for forgiveness, you learn from your mistake, and you do better the next time around. 

One of the best ways to practice these things is in a safe and loving community - you need your people! That might be a small group at church, a group of friends in your neighborhood, or a Christian club that meets at your school. If you’re not a part of a community, find one! 

Who is your community? Do you treat each other like family? If not, how can you challenge each other to live out and practice the things you read today? 

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About this Plan

All In The Family

Families argue, fight, have disagreements, get on each others’ nerves, and embarrass each other. We have to learn how to get along with and love our families despite these things. By modeling our lives after Jesus and following the guidance found within the Bible, we can become better sons, daughters, and siblings to those in our earthly families and those in God’s family.
