Who's Your One 40-Day Devotional Намуна

Sharing the Gospel and Our Lives
You have heard, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Sharing the gospel is not less than a verbal proclamation or announcement, but it is more. We share the good news of Jesus in word while sharing our lives. When we display the love of Christ to others and build relational capital, we begin tilling the soil of their hearts to not only hear the good news but to experience it through our own lives and friendship.
This week, as you look for opportunities to verbally share Christ, don’t neglect a key aspect of evangelism where you’re sharing yourself as well. Share your joys, your struggles and your life with those you are trying to reach for Christ. How will you share your life and the gospel with your one this week?
About this Plan

Every great evangelistic movement is made up of prayerful people. Who's Your One? is an initiative purposed to encourage everyday people to intentionally share Jesus with at least one person this year. The Who's Your One 40-Day Devotional, presented by the North American Mission Board, will walk you through 40 days of intentional prayer to provide encouragement for someone who needs the hope of the gospel.