Not Easy, But Worth It Намуна

Not Easy, But Worth It

DAY 4 OF 7

Forever Blessings 

God called Abram out of Ur.

Obediently Abram, with his wife Sarai and nephew Lot, traveled to Canaan. The Lord blessed Abram. He grew prosperous and Lot with him. Over time, however, Abram and Lot had so many herds and flocks that the land could not support both of them. Now is that growth, or what? And so Abram decides it is time to part ways. He gives Lot the option to choose. Lot promptly chooses the (seemingly) better land and they part ways.

Interestingly, the Lord is silent until this parting of ways.

But after they have parted, the Lord says to Abram, look around. Look around and see. And all that you see, I will give to you and your offspring, forever! Wow, what a promise.

Abram trusted God to provide for him. Blessings followed his faith. When Abram allowed Lot to choose, he trusted the Lord to lead and provide for him. The Lord blessed his faith and increased the scope of the blessing—all the land he could see.  In God’s economy, blessings are long-term—forever—not just for now.

Where is God calling you to display your faith and trust in Him today? Take that step of faith, heed His call, step out in faith. You can count on Him. He came through for Abram, He will come through for you. 

Father help me trust You and take that step to do what You are calling me to do.

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About this Plan

Not Easy, But Worth It

Faith is something we all desire to have but struggle to display through the everyday life. It is easy to have faith when life is all good. But when faced with challenges, and no answers seem to come for the things you have prayed and prayed for, or, when answers come in unexpected packages, it is not easy to trust, and faith can falter.
