When You Need To Move A MountainНамуна

Prayers for Provision
The Lord Will Provide. What will God provide? Scripture shows us that God provides for our needs (2 Peter 1:3) and for the needs of others (2 Corinthians 9:8). God gives us wisdom and solutions when we ask (James 1:5), and He provides for everything we need for our callings (Hebrews 4:16). These truths are rooted in the character of God as Jehovah Jireh, meaning “the Lord will provide”.
The first thing we need to do when we need provision is to ask. Give God your request. Don’t sigh and say, “God is for everyone but poor me.” Don’t give in to your disappointment or fear. If you do, you’ll miss what God wants to do in your life.
When my daughter was first injured in the accident, I knew her medical expenses would amount to far more money than we or even our insurance could cover. Literally, with empty pockets, I told God, “I am giving the bill to you.” Not only was the million-dollar bill paid in full, but God also provided for Laura’s every need, a direct answer to my prayer.
Second, to receive God’s provision, we must trust that God will provide.
Abraham trusted God, even when God told him to sacrifice his son on an altar. I believe he remembered God’s promise that his son would be the first child in a new nation. God saw Abraham’s trust and willingness—instead of sacrificing his son to God, Abraham sacrificed a goat that God Himself provided. Genesis 22:14 says, “Abraham named that place The Lord Will Provide. It is still said today, ‘On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.’”
Our attitude toward God’s provision is connected to our attitude about giving. God loves a cheerful giver. God will never have to scrape together money to cover your needs because He provides for you out of His abundance. Trusting Him enough with your little or in your lack—to give to a cause outside of yourself—honors Him. When you give to those He shows you, He will provide for your needs.
Finally, thank God before He provides. You heard me correctly. Demonstrate your faith by confidently thanking God for meeting your needs before you see the physical solution. Becoming men and women of faith pleases our Father’s heart.
Confess the difficulty you have in trusting God as your provider. Ask God to exchange your fear and doubt with hope and confidence.
About this Plan

Need to move a mountain? Intercessory prayer is your invitation to speak to God what His Spirit imparts to you in prayer time. Intercessory prayer gives us access to the secret places of God’s heart so that we partner with Him in bringing the kingdom of heaven down to earth on behalf of one another. Join me this week as we experience renewed prayer intimacy with our Father in Heaven.