Journey Of The Seed - Catch The Bible's Big Picture In 60 DaysНамуна

Journey Of The Seed - Catch The Bible's Big Picture In 60 Days

DAY 38 OF 60


[Scheduled Reading: Nehemiah 7-13]

Ezra and Nehemiah institute something very special for the Israelites upon their return to Jerusalem. 

Power Reading. 

That’s right. 

Power Reading the Bible has been around for a long time. 

Ezra was a scribe and he loved to teach. He knew the power and the value of God’s holy word.

Ezra would read the word of God to a public assembly of people. He stood on a wooden platform and read from “early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women of those who could understand” (Nehemiah 8:3). 

As he read the law the people wept. Most of them had never heard these words. 

During the Feast of Booths celebration, starting on the first day of the month he read daily for seven straight days. And day by day, from the first day to the last day, he read from the Book of the Law of God. (Nehemiah 8:18)

Again, that’s seven days of power reading the Bible, listening to God’s Word read from early in the morning till midday!

Get this – on the 24th day of the month they’re still meeting… and power reading! (Neh. 9:1).

And they read from the Book of the Law for a quarter of the day! (v3)

And for another quarter of the day they make confession and worship God. 

I’m not sure if a “quarter of a day” is six hours of a 24-hour day or three hours of a half day, etc.? Still, we get the idea, don’t we?

This has me asking myself, when’s the last time I did anything for a quarter of the day (besides watching football)?

This should encourage all of us Power Readers!

Volume Bible consumption is what you do when you’re going through spiritual renewal and seasons of revival. 

Reading God’s word for hours at a time is what you do to rebuild a heart for worship.

Talk Time

How has your Bible reading routine been going for you over the past several weeks? What benefits or takeaways can you share about being in God’s Word on a regular basis?

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About this Plan

Journey Of The Seed - Catch The Bible's Big Picture In 60 Days

Grasp the overall Bible story in 60 days! This reading challenge takes you from Genesis to Revelation with four important features: (1) focus on the Seed - the ancestry from Adam to Jesus, (2) a daily Bible reading plan yielding about 33% of the Bible, (3) daily guidance and insights, (4) discussion points for you and your family. (Approximately 20-25 minutes reading/listening per day.)
