Hot Mess - Thriving As A MomНамуна

Hot Mess - Thriving As A Mom

DAY 4 OF 5


So you’re late for work, one of the kids forgot his homework, the other forgot her lunch, and you realized you committed to meet with a friend when you are supposed to be going to soccer practice. Hey mom, who didn’t you let down?

Of all the insecurities that a mom faces, being a disappointment is one of the heaviest. You love your family, want nothing but the best for them, and so that feeling of letting them down is almost unbearable.

Over time, this feeling can become a mindset. It’s not that you disappointed them, but that you are a disappointment. Things shift from your actions to your identity. In these moments, we need someone to speak into our lives. Someone whose words carry authority. Someone who sees the real us.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10

Do not just read this verse, hear it. You are God’s masterpiece. He isn’t disappointed in you, you haven’t let Him down. Your hot mess has changed nothing between you and Him. More than that, what you are doing right now is exactly what He has planned for your life. It may not always seem like it, but in the midst of the mess are the good works that God has long planned for your life.


When God looks at you, what do you think He sees? As you ponder this thought close your eyes and imagine seeing Jesus face to face. Picture Him saying these words to you: “Well done, good and faithful servant! (Matthew 25:23)”


Father, help me to see myself the way you see me. I confess that I often view myself in a way that runs contrary to your Word! Help me to understand that you are well pleased with me and to live my life accordingly.


After discovering the power of Christ, Paul said that he had learned to boast in his weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Do the same! Share those times you’ve felt like a disappointment and share how God has revealed to you your worth comes from Him alone! Be sure and tag your post with #BlessedHotMess.

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About this Plan

Hot Mess - Thriving As A Mom

Few things tempt a woman to keep up appearances more than being a mom. You’re expected to have it all perfectly together. No matter what others may see, you know the truth. Behind the scenes, your life is a hot mess. The question is: Is that a bad thing?
