Hollywood Prayer Network On SimplicityНамуна

Hollywood Prayer Network On Simplicity

DAY 7 OF 7


"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like the leaves of Autumn."  John Muir 

"See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence..." Mother Teresa

PRAY:  Dear God, for the last day this week, as I pray for simplicity in my life, I ask that I will be godly and content, for You say that is great gain! It's true that I brought nothing into this world and I will take nothing out of it. So, I want to be deeply grateful for the food and clothing You supply and find complete contentment with that. You promise me that You will supply every need of mine, according to Your riches in glory in Jesus Christ, so I stand on that promise and will not complicate my life with worry, busyness, or a lack of contentment. I have so much and I thank You for supplying it for me. I pray this in Jesus' name.
REFLECT:  Reflect on the difference between godliness and contentment versus busyness and striving. God doesn't want us to be unproductive. He wants us to accomplish things on earth, to work hard and to do what He has put on our hearts to do. But He also doesn't want us to be discontent with the life that He's given us and to strive for more, for better, bigger, and greater things than He has planned for us. How do we find that balance? A simple life doesn't mean an unproductive life. It means trusting God to accomplish through us what He wants us to do. It means waiting on Him for His perfect timing. As you end this week, commit to make your life simpler by giving it up to Him and making space to be with Him. Then get ready for what He is going to do through you!
ACT:  Define three clear goals that you believe the Lord has put on your heart to accomplish. Then give each one to the Lord, relinquish control over those and ask Him to lead you every day to do what He wants you to do to accomplish them. Continue to trust Him for direction, answers and open doors. Turn over your fears to Him, knowing that your ONLY job in life to fulfill His will for you is to "Rejoice always, pray constantly, and give thanks in all things!" The rest is up to Him. Congratulations! You have now just begun to live a life of simplicity.
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About this Plan

Hollywood Prayer Network On Simplicity

Oh, how complicated and stressful our lives can be! Yet God tells us He wants us to live simpler, more peaceful lives. He MAKES us lie down in green pastures, which shows we’re not very good at it on our own. Let’s spend this week seeking simplicity in our lives and be free of the things that are weighing us down. He’s offering us a simple life. Let’s accept it!
