Lent Through African EyesНамуна

Lent Through African Eyes

DAY 45 OF 45

Paid in Full

We have reached the end of Lent: Good Friday. We turn our gaze to Christ on the cross. Even in this painful death, Jesus is conquering sin and death in victory. 

From an Africa Study Bible touch point:

In Cote d’Ivoire, the customary wedding involves payment of a dowry, in which the bride’s family transfers money or property to the groom’s family. In some cases, this is for the long-term benefit of the bride, but often it is simply part of the bargaining when a marriage is arranged. This practice is similar to bride price in which the groom or his family gifts the bride’s family a sum of money or animals. 

Dowries and bride prices are also found in the Bible. Jacob paid his father-in-law, Laban, seven years of wages for each of his daughters, Leah and Rachel. A man was required to pay a bride price if he indulged in premarital sex with a woman prior to marrying her (Exodus 22:16-17).

Whether such practices should continue is a matter of debate, but a price cannot be placed on a human life. It is not for sale. A human is priceless.

However, the Bible does talk about other prices that must be paid for human beings. Peter writes that God paid a ransom price for us and our salvation. Our Lord did not pay with money but with the precious blood of Christ. 

Do not be fooled by people who say you must pay a price for your salvation. There is nothing you can pay and nothing you can do to earn your salvation. Christ’s death on the cross paid it all. Salvation is a gift from God. The blood of Jesus is fully sufficient to heal, sanctify, and give eternal life. Tell others about this wonderful gift.


Around the world people have big celebrations when a dowry or bride price is paid. We also celebrate when a large loan is paid in full. Jesus paid in full for our salvation. We simply give our lives to him in thanksgiving. If you have not done this, ask yourself why not. If you have, invite friends to celebrate your debt being “paid in full” this Easter!


As you prepared your soul for Christ’s passion, you opened your heart to your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ from across Africa. We hope that each day gave you fresh insights as you began to see Lent Through African Eyes

We've been praying for you on this journey. Read what our supervising editor, Dr. John Jusu, prayed for everyone who would read the Africa Study Bible here.  

Do keep in touch too. You can find out more about Oasis International and the Africa Study Bible here.  God bless you!

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About this Plan

Lent Through African Eyes

Africans throughout history have shaped Christian thought and contemplative practice. Starting Ash Wednesday, explore the Lenten themes of prayer, fasting, repentance, and alms-giving. Sojourn with Jesus’ disciples from his baptism to Holy Week. Abide with him in temptation. Hear the crowd shout—celebrating, then condemning. Watch Simon of Cyrene carry the cross. Witness the crucifixion with Mary. Join a biblical pilgrimage to prepare your heart for Jesus’ passion and resurrection.
