Fast From Wrong ThinkingНамуна

Fast From Wrong Thinking

DAY 39 OF 40

DAY 39 — “It’s Too Late”

We are so time conscious. We allow time to limit us and define for us what we’re capable of, or what God can do in our lives.

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “It’s too late”.

It’s often ingrained in us that it’s too late to change, too late to start a new career, too late to save your marriage, too late to recover from a terrible mistake, too late to start over again, or too late to have a second chance.

The truth is: It’s never too late!

When you realize that it’s not too late, you have hope. You take action. You move forward.


1. UN-DECIDE that it’s too late for these things to change. Un-decide that you can’t recover. Un-decide that the damage is irreversible. It’s NOT too late to turn your finances around, to recover from a tragedy or mistake, to surrender your life to God, to take better care of yourself, to change the way you see yourself, to apologize, or to break a bad habit.

2. Meditate on the fact that God created time and He can multiply it. The earth and sun stood still in Joshua 10:12–13. “And Joshua said in the sight of Israel, ‘Sun, stand still.’ So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped.” Joshua had control over time for God’s purpose. We need to start thinking that way—that we have control over our time, rather than it having control over us!

3. Think about the great cloud of witnesses for whom it wasn’t too late.  

  • It wasn’t too late for Abraham and Sarah to become parents at 99 and 90 years old. 
  • It wasn’t too late for Peter after he denied the Lord three times. 
  • It wasn’t too late for the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1–11), the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:25–34), or the man who was lame at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years (John 5:1–10).

4. Embrace grace. Lamentations 3:22–23 says, “His mercy is new every morning.” Hebrews 4:15 says, “Come boldly to the throne of grace to receive mercy and grace in your time of need.” Mercy is when God doesn’t give us the judgment that we do deserve, and grace is when God gives us the goodness that we don’t deserve.

5. Rid yourself of excuse-making. God doesn’t accept excuses, but He gives lots of grace! We might feel low self-esteem or have a disability as Moses did. He had a speech impediment, but God gave him chance after chance to be used to deliver God’s people.

6. Ask God for more time and another chance. Hezekiah did this in 2 Kings 20:1–6. When Hezekiah asked for a second chance, God told him, “I have heard your prayer . . . surely I will heal you . . . and I will add to your days fifteen years.”  If he did it for Hezekiah, He will do it for you!


It’s not too late for things to improve in my life and radically turn around. I believe in the God of second chances. I can recover, and there is nothing that God won’t turn around in my life. God created time, and He can multiply it for me. I am not controlled by time. By God’s grace, I control it, in Jesus’ Name!

Рӯз 38Рӯз 40

About this Plan

Fast From Wrong Thinking

It is not a “fast” from food, it is a fast from 40 negative thoughts that are causing you distress, anxiety, sadness, pain, depression, and hurt—thoughts that are beating you up—and have kept you from experiencing the real Jesus. Hundreds of thousands of people have experienced Fast From Wrong Thinking. It will change your life.
