One On One: 100 Days With Jesus--Ministry YearsНамуна

One On One: 100 Days With Jesus--Ministry Years

DAY 23 OF 35

All: The One who sees your heart   

We are never more like God than when we give. Scripture says where you invest your treasure is where you most want to be. 

Some of the poorest people you ever meet give the most to the Lord. Some of the richest people you know are tight-fisted. How much you have has very little impact on your generosity.

Jesus had this on His mind the day He and His disciples were people-watching in the temple. They sat in the Court of Women near the free-will offering boxes, which were metal, trumpet-shaped coffers. When the wealthy dumped in their money bags, everyone turned at the noise and noticed them. 

No one but Jesus noticed the old woman slip by. By the looks of her, she was a poor widow. She dropped two thin copper coins into the offering box and it didn’t even make a sound. These coins, nicknamed “mites”—meaning “crumbs,” were worth next to nothing. They could perhaps buy a handful of flour. 

“This poor widow gave more to the collection than all the others put together,” Jesus told His disciples. “All the others gave what they’ll never miss; she gave what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all.”

Widows were a vulnerable group in Israel society. Their lives were defined by what they lacked. They had no inheritance rights and little opportunity to make a living. Their survival depended on the mercy of their children or the community. 

God’s heart is tender toward woman who are alone, which explains Jesus’ warm spot for widows—maybe because His mother was one. He noticed this widow put in two coins. She could have given one copper and used the other to buy a small meal. Instead, she cheerfully gave both with no sign of worry. God will take care of me. He always has. 

Only love motivates generosity like that. She was glad to give all she had to God. It did her heart good to play a part in what He was doing. 

How are you like God in your giving? Ask Him today if you can play a part in something that will bring Him glory—some act of ministry in His name. God doesn’t need it; but it’ll do your heart good to offer your life to Him like this widow. 

She never noticed the young rabbi and His disciples watching her from across the treasury. But they noticed her. In fact, Jesus still watches the offering box—not to see the people whose gift makes the most noise, but to listen for the beat of their heart. 


Tomorrow: One on one with Martha


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One On One: 100 Days With Jesus--Ministry Years

Christmas and Easter—two meaningful seasons help us celebrate Jesus’ birth and resurrection. Now make the days in between special, too, with One on One: 100 Days with Jesus. Walk with Jesus in Advent (30 days), in His Ministry Years (35 days), in His Passion (35 days). Begin during Advent—finish around Easter. Be inspired every day to know and love Jesus more as He connects with people, one on one.
