Digging Deeper Daily: By Daily Bible Reading PodcastНамуна

DANIEL 9-10:
Yesterday in Daniel, we heard of the vision of four beasts representing four kingdoms. After the fourth would be the start of the rule of One whose kingdom would last forever. This vision was explained, then Daniel had a second and more detailed vision. It is a major amazing sign of God’s sovereignty over human governments that Alexander the Great is so clearly portrayed, and after that the iron kingdom of Rome. Just as certain as these things happened, our Savior’s reign will one day come to earth.
I have been referring to Daniel 7 all year, to the section where he saw ‘someone like a son of man’ surrounded by clouds. Chapter 7 of Daniel happens to be one of the few Old Testament passages written in Aramaic. The words ‘son of man’ form a common idiom which simply means a normal-looking human being. In Hebrew, God called Ezekiel ‘son of man’ 93 times in Ezekiel’s book, and an angel calls Daniel ‘son of man’ in chapter 8:17. In all those cases, the Hebrew words ‘son of man’ can also be translated as ‘son of Adam’. The thing that sets the ‘Son of Man’ apart in Daniel 7 is what is prophesied about Him:
Dan. 7:14 NLT He was given authority, honor, and sovereignty over all the nations of the world, so that people of every race and nation and language would obey him. His rule is eternal—it will never end. His kingdom will never be destroyed.
ISAIAH 26:20-21 and Isaiah 27:
There were beautiful verses in yesterday’s reading, too many to review. I choose to highlight verses 2-4:
Is. 26:2 NLT Open the gates to all who are righteous;
allow the faithful to enter.
3 You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
4 Trust in the Lord always,
for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
I found it interesting that Israel’s suffering was compared to a woman in childbirth, but unlike a childbirth, Israel produced nothing:
Is. 26:18 NLT We, too, writhe in agony,
but nothing comes of our suffering.
We have not given salvation to the earth,
nor brought life into the world.
Israel was supposed to share the knowledge of the Lord with other peoples, but they neglected to do that.
In the NLT, the last two verses of chapter 26 start a new section which extends through all of chapter 27. The section is entitled Restoration for Israel. We’ll start there today, at verse 20.
Yesterday we heard of the terrible time of suffering Paul and his companions faced in Macedonia, where he had gone to find Titus. But when Titus came, it brought wonderful joy, because he brought such encouraging news about the Corinthian believers.
About this Plan

Congratulations on starting TODAY on a life-transforming journey! The Digging Deeper Daily plan will help you be successful in your commitment to read the whole Bible in a year. The unique order of the readings— together with the brief devotional notes, will help see the various threads that unify the message of the Old and New Testaments.